Friday, February 19, 2016

Inno-Sense and Sacred Ground

What defines Sacred Ground? The same question, but another way of asking is, what defines reality?
Can humankind redefine reality and make it "fit in" with what it wants to fit into? If this is the case, would this not be an attempt to limit the unlimited?

The separate category's that our world has attempted to make, so individuals could redefine the physical world into material property value, has failed miserably. The Universal time that has been allotted for this insane experiment is quickly coming to an end. We the people better find a way to get onto the same Universal Page, which defines higher property value, in unlimited terms. It begins with what has been recklessly redefined, misinterpreted, and misunderstood in our OWN youth.
If inno-sense can be defined as having eternal property value, it is also defined as Sacred Ground. This is the Sacred Ground that defined the Garden of Eden in the beginning. Once inno-sense had been defiled, the Sacred Ground where the Garden of Eden was located, the ones who defiled the Sacred Ground had to move out of it into an unreality of misunderstanding and misinformation.

Whereas before, the Sacred Ground yielded the unlimited understanding of the Universe, once access to the Sacred Ground had been lost people had to find a new source of property value. This false property value would supply the means to establish a so called material reality where understanding would be limited to expressing personal body advantage. This personal advantage would provide the material seeds that would define the world we live in today. Redefining the Earth to fit into false the new property value assignment, allowed the newly acquired contaminated mind set to redefine what was important. Soon enough, the Sacred Ground that housed Inno-Sense became obsolete in the mind of the people who lived in this society.

The artificially seeded materialistic world that we live in today is in direct violation of the Inno-Sense and wholeness necessary to create an unlimited society.

Our world continues to seek for what it does not understand. It is understanding that is the currency of the Universe, yet in our world we continue to seek for artificial material value. This understanding is within us. We were born with it. It is called Inno-Sense. If you ask an individual if they want riches, or the Sacred Ground that they were born on, chances are they would say they want material gain. Yet, material gain cannot afford the individual the unlimited understanding that they are entitled to. Inno-Sense must be restored to the people so their unlimited supply can be understood.

The purpose of the Universal Plan of 
One Wholeness Now is to restore Inno-Sense to the people, and thus return the people to the Sacred Ground that was so carelessly thrown away thousands of years ago. The Miracle Response happens when new questions that deal with internal understanding are asked.

It is time to find the Sacred Ground that belongs to our Inno-Sense. It is time to remember when we exchanged our eternal value for a fist full of paper.

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Monday, February 15, 2016

The Language of Innocence

Death is not a condition of life. Death opposes life. Because death opposes life, it is impossible for life and death to co-exist, yet in our world they do. So, what is the problem?

Body innocence is a physical symbol of the Higher Spiritual Truth found in Inno-Sense. Any time that Inno-Sense is led into temptation in physical form, it begins to identify with body innocence. As the higher truth in Inno-Sense begins to accept the body as its identity, it will take on the paper identity that was assigned to it at birth. As innocence begins to accept the physical experience as its true identity, there will be an identity crisis that begins to occur at the body level. This identity crisis will shift the chemistry at the cellular level, and begin to close off the Higher Identity that the Child was assign at birth.

In the physical world, this process is deemed necessary to protect innocence and keep them safe from predators. It is also deemed necessary to teach physical lessons that will instill fear at the very core of the emotional body. Innocence is also expected to learn the value of money, the value respect, even if it is obviously a violation of the higher values of Inno-Sense. Innocence is also taught that their physical responsibility to their material world is greater than their Inno-Sense responsibility to their Higher Identity.

Thus, the fruits of someone's labor to gain material comforts for the body, are deemed greater than the Fruits of the Spirit. Obviously, everyone understands what the material fruits of their physical labor is, but few understand what the Fruits of the Spirit are.

The Fruits of the Spirit relate to comfort, joy, happiness, goodness, gentleness, kindness, laughter, love, peace, trust, faith, and the list goes on. These are the emotions that keep our Inno-Sense in tact. Once Inno-Sense learns to ignore the Fruits of the Spirit, it shifts into the body identity. It is here where innocence can inaptly apply comfort to the body. Is it any wonder why there is so much addiction in our world? Is it any wonder why we live in a world that seeks for monetary rewards first.

As material gain is ingrained into innocence, the Inno-Sense Identity, which is our true identity, begins to be completely reconditioned into material based understanding. The whole world is hell bent on making sure this insanity takes place, as the structure of our global society is very, very sick.

This sickness can be identifies through body sickness, war sickness, environmental sickness, economic sickness, religious sickness, racial sickness, and the list goes on. As long as Inno-Sense is being trained to accept the body identity as its reality, innocence will continue to believe the foundation of our world is established of the Fear Based Intelligence that it has been fed.

The rotten fruits of body labor necessary to uphold a material world are nothing more than bondage that has been perpetrated in order to make the people of the world slaves. Come on people....WAKE UP.

Not one more instant should anyone sit by and continue to promote a material world through the paper identity they received at birth. Not one instant more should anyone who is reading this continue to believe that there is nothing more outside of the Higher Truth that we received at birth. This Higher Truth awaits us, not independently, but collectively. The whole world deserves this. Haven't we existed in hell alone long enough? Hasn't hell been projected into our world long enough? Isn't it time to try something new outside of the political arena that the material man offers? The Universe has its OWN Political agenda. Would't it be a better idea to find out what this is?

The Call to remember is open to everyone, but it is up to the individual to consciously address their own independent body identity issues. The first step MUST be taken by the independent body identity. The Universal Plan to help us remember our Real Identity will do most of the work for us, but until we take this first step, nothing is going to happen.

The journey back to our Inno-Sense will open new avenues of Self Discovery, which will lead to the Identity that was lost. It is our Inno-Sense that will provide the Seeds to define a whole New World. The steps necessary to shift from innocence to Inno-Sense will begin to reveal a world that has been lost in time. Isn't it time to let go of the old and accept the new. Once the individual identity is so sick and tired of being sick and tired, they will begin to ask new questions. These are the questions that must be asked to begin again. Isn't it time?

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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Being Stuck On and In Body Bondage

The body is a Universal learning device. Under Higher Guidance, it serves the Higher Self. However, because of the deception, it is not being used as a means to an end, which would be to serve a Higher purpose, but instead is being used to serve a purpose of bondage. The most troubling aspect of this is that we are allowing it.

If we are not serving our Higher Unlimited Self, then who are we serving? If we are serving something or someone else, then we are in bondage. The obvious means to be used for bondage purposes is the body. Allow this idea to travel deep within your unconscious mind. Instead of accepting the bondage issue that lies deep within the memories of the body, ask yourself if this is possible, and then ask another question.

If you do not believe it is possible that you are being held in body bondage, then ask a question in your mind to disprove this. Then ask a question to prove this. Write down all of the ways that the body serves you, then write down all of the ways your body is serving someone or something else.

Listen, your body does not serve health. The body houses all kinds of disease. If you get sick, you have to work for restoring your health. This is a bondage issue. Your body does not serve to make you abundant, as this is something you have to work for in the body. This is therefore a bondage issue.

Your body does provide you with happiness, as most people have to adjust their body to accept happiness, or they have to work very hard to find it. If finding happiness is the case, this is a bondage issue.

Your body offers 5 separate senses to define the external world. It also offers another sense that is part of the bondage issue. This non-sense is called fear. Fear of what will happen to the body if one does not do what they are supposed to do is a bondage issue.

Paper laws are not designed to protect the body, neither are nutritional laws. Paper laws are designed to protect the things that keep the body in bondage, as are nutritional laws. Behavioral conformity to this bondage is demanded. If one does not conform, an external finger can be pointed at what has not been conformed to so the bondage issue can be proven is not only beneficial, but is necessary to keep the body in bondage. The fact is the so called experts that have studied the means to keep the bondage issue alive are merely mimicking what has been programmed into the body for thousands of years.

For something to be true, it must be true in every case. If an absolute truth appears to be inconsistent, perhaps it is your attachment to the bondage issue that is preventing you from entertaining the understanding necessary to see an absolute truth. Truth is never inconsistent, but those who have bondage issues coming out of the belief that it is the body that provides the supreme purpose are traveling down the path of inconsistency. Don't you see that it is this inconsistent path that you are protecting to preserve the body that is keeping YOU in bondage. The question is, what are you protecting the body for; the final outcome, which is death? This makes no sense whatsoever.

Fear of loss, fear of sickness, fear of war, fear of anything outside of the body that can take value away from the body, cannot protect the body. This is because the body is being held in bondage as a ransom to keep people in bondage.

Truth must be wholly sensed. The reason it is difficult to wholly sense truth is because of the separation of the bodies senses. What is sensed as being freeing visually, may not be sensed as freeing from a body feeling perspective. Then again, what is being heard may not match up with what we see or what we feel. This is called being stuck, and this is a bondage issue. We believe that the mind/body/spirit must be aligned, but these will never be aligned unless and until the senses are aligned as One. It is the body that is out of this alignment.

The bondage issue begins at the sensory level. The problems that are occurring in our world do not stem from money, addiction, terrorists, greed, theft, hunger, plagues, disease, racism, intolerance, and the list goes on. The problem is coming from how we sense these issues are effecting, or will effect, the body.

At least be willing to ask another question before you make up your mind and choose to go deeper into the body/bondage issue. Is what you are being shown really make sense? All reasoning begins at the sensory level, not the belief level. Learn to question everything, because if the people of this world are not at least willing to question, not how they were led into bondage, but if they are still blindly following their own personal enslavement without question.

There is not one issue that is going on externally that can split the mind/body from the unlimited spirit without the interference of the bondage issue occurring at the body level. The body is being held in bondage to these problems because it is personally believed it is possible to sense these problems as being real. These issues are not separate. They were orchestrated in chaos to prevent us from questioning the real issue. There is only one issue. This is a body bondage issue. All of this is an illusion. Wake up.

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Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Inno-Sense is Universal Omni Sense

When we are born, we come with One Whole Sense. This is an Omni Sense. It is this One Sense that connects us to the Divine, ie Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent.

Inno-Sense connects us to the One Living Language that is spoken throughout the whole Universe. Inno-Sense connects us to the Omniscient, or Whole Science that allows us to intuitively sense the truth. Last but not least, Inno-Sense connects us to the Omnipresent, which is the only application of time that is real.

As mentioned before in this blog, time is not a line, it is a spiral. Because our Omni Sense has been divided into 5 separate body senses, we live on a timeline. This timeline has allowed us to somehow make a lot of non-sense out where there is not unified agreement within our senses, or anyone else's for that matter.

A linear timeline is not Omni anything. Its sole purpose is to house an independent body source, separate from, not only other bodies, but also from the whole Universe. In this body, it is possible to make choices and decisions that do not conform to anything else in the Universe. Thus, the body is an island unto itself, without a reference to the Whole. That so many of the people that live in separate bodies in our world are lonely is a testament to this fact.

The independent body source is called an ego. The ego, which we have been making for thousands of years, is attached to physical evolution. Its motive is survival, and it does not seek to "sense" the Oneness in anything or anyone, because it does not know how. Its primary concern is material value that belongs to the body. The ego believes that they body is a source of power unto itself, and it controls us consciously because we unconsciously support the belief in a 5 sensory body separation.

How we were deceived into making a singular body choice over Wholeness is the real story in Genesis. Although it was not understood the consequences of this unnatural choice, the damage had been done. It would take thousands of years to "fill the Earth" with mature adults that would recognize something was wrong, but have no idea how to correct the situation.

If you want to solve a problem, any problem, you have to go back to where it began. The problem is the separation of global Inno-Sense from the One Unified Universal Omni Sense. But this does not seem to ring any bells in anyone, as everyone wants to fix the world according to what has been written on their own personal liner timeline. This is NOT where whole truth can be found, applied, or agreed upon. Whole truth must be wholly sensed, or it is NOT truth.

For instance, peace treaties have been signed in our world. Individuals have also gone to great lengths to find individuals to support peace. It is obvious, everyone knows that global peace is necessary, but global peace requires everyone to be in the same place at exactly the same time, or in the Omnipresent. If everyone is walking on their own separate timeline, this request is impossible, and will therefore be denied.

What has been written on a personal timeline is fragmented. In other words, the individual will accept parts of what they have been told, while leaving out other parts. The reason for this is because their ability to Sense Whole truth has been fragmented into 5 separate body senses. Because of this fact, there is a lot more left out of what is necessary to give wholeness to any situation than what has been brought in. The truth is, an individual walking on an independent timeline would not see the whole truth if they tripped over it because they are not looking for it.

The task before we the people, is not to fix this world. This world sits on billions of linear timelines, not of which conform to Omni anything. Because there is no unified purpose here, time no longer exists here. In other words, we are living in a time in space where there is no more time left to support billions of separate linear timelines.

We have a choice. We can walk back across the linear timeline that we have made, because there is no more time ahead of us, and collect the instances in linear time when our Inno-Sense was divided and fragmented into separate body senses, or we can continue to attempt to walk on a timeline that no longer exists.

All I can say is this, without the Light of time, space is very dark. The body cannot survive where there is no time, but consciousness can. You can consciously choose to live in darkness, as your Free Will gives you this choice. The fragmentation of the senses will allow you to remain where there is no light. All I am saying is you might want to consciously become aware of the other option that is available. Knowledge is power, and what you don't know can and will hurt you. This will be an error that will take thousands of years to correct, much like this error in our world. The difference is, together we can solve this problem a lot faster. Alone, it will take a very long time.

Right this instant we can choose to change our mind and begin to move back across the linear timeline that we have made and collect the Inno-Sense that we have agreed to be response-able for. Your function here is much grander than the one that the ego has assigned to you. To be sure, if you continue walk straight ahead, you will be stepping deeper into darkness. Choose wisely, and step carefully. There is no more linear time to light your path.

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Monday, February 8, 2016

False Identities that We Must Expose

When a baby is born, they are full of Light. This Light is whole and complete. This Light is called Inno-sense. It is called this because their senses have not been contaminated with frames of reference that interfere with their Light.

As babies begin to learn lessons taught in this world, the Light in Inno-sense begins to fragment into 5 separate body senses, with each fragment being torn from the whole to understand and sense a world that is so bizarre, if it were not believed in and supported by the whole world, it would be impossible to fathom from a Whole Light or Inno-Scent perspective.
By fragmenting the Light, our Self has separated from Whole Love, or the Light in the Universal Mind and fragmented into separate identities. These are identities we hear in our mind, which can be referred to as mind chatter. None of these separate identities are wholly real, but each one carries a fragment of truth. If not for this fragment, we would not consciously listen to them at all.

This separation, or identity fragmentation, has been going on for thousands of years. For the people who have experienced this bizarre shift, this process was so gradual, it was recognized as a past upset. It was the past upset that introduced the unnatural fragmentation of our Light into separate internal body identities. It never dawned in our mind that this was what was going on when a past upset occurred. Just once step away from whole truth in our mind began a process of making another identity. This identity would become the ego.

The ego surrounds the fragmented Light with shadows of the past, making it seemingly impossible to rejoin with Whole Light. Consciously, because we are unaware of this shift, and because we made this new identity, we begin to listen to it as if it carried information that was helpful. This could not be further from the truth. The truth is buried inside of this false identity that we have accepted as being real. This false identity does not understand anything, as its sole purpose is to keep the original upset alive in our mind so it remains in control. If it does not keep the upset alive, this identity will no longer exist. Yes, your Inno-Sense is this powerful.

The darkness that the false identity, or ego, keeps our fragment of Inno-Sense surrounded by is associated with a body sense that is not a sense at all. This is a non-sense called fear. The way to shine whole Light into the darkness of fear is to relinquish it and accept a Higher Solution. This solution is called a miracle. Once the Light Fragment of Inno-Sense has rejoined with Whole Light, or Ominscience, the nightmare is over. With no reference to the body non-sense called fear, the false identity ceases to exist. Although miracles are the Light that shine the darkness away, learning this process takes time to learn. 

What is being dealt with here is an Omniscience Light Factor, a fragment of Omniscience, or Inno-Sense that has separated from wholeness or Omni Presence, a non sense identity or shadow that has surrounded our Inno-Sense or inner Truth with darkness. There is also the guilt factor, which exists because of the separation. Guilt keeps us tied to an emotion that does not exist at all in reality. This guilt is part of a global deception that continues to haunt us and our world in ways that will make the hairs on the back of the neck stand up.

We are not living in an easy time. We have all come here to begin the process of undoing this travesty perpetrated against, not only our Inno-Sense, but Inno-Sense that belongs to the Omniscient Mind.. Because so much of our Real Identity has been hiding, we must make a conscious effort to return to Heaven what belongs to Heaven.

The false identities that we have made, we are response-able for recognizing. Without our recognition of these false identities, or ego, nothing can be done. Because we are consciously agreeing with these false identities, we can also learn to consciously agree that these false identities are NOT in our own best interest.

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Thursday, February 4, 2016

What is Inno-Sense?

Our heart beats, but we cannot consciously control the beat of our heart. Our livers and kidneys function, but we cannot consciously control these functions. Although we can consciously control the external functions of the body, our internal functions pretty much work on their own, but the breath is different. We can consciously control it, or it will function without our conscious direction. For this reason, the breath is unique.

The Bible states that in the beginning the first breath that Adam took was provided by God. This breath of life defined the life force of Adam as being a direct descendant of Omniscience Light, or the One Light that provides the Light of Whole Understanding throughout the whole Universe. Because Adam was a direct descendant of the One Omniscient Light, he would have become, what the Bible refers to, as a Son of God.  Unfortunately, before this occurred, something occurred that interfered with this.

The Light of Omniscient is also called the Will of God. Any being that receives the Breath of Light is receiving the Will of the Father. Receiving the Will of the Father means that one must become the Son of God. Being a Son of God means that one will also become a Universal Co-Creator.

The purpose of the Breath in Free Will means to give life. This is an ability that must be perfected. The process of perfecting the Breath to give life does not occur overnight. Just as a student learning to become a doctor must spend time learning to perfect these skills, using the Breath to give life must also be perfected.

The Breath that carries Free Will is not given to every being in the Universe. This Breath carries the ability to become wholly consciously aware. Although there are many beings throughout the Universe that are conscious, the only ones that are wholly consciously aware are the ones who have received Free Will. Thus, those who have been given Free Will are Universal Royalty. The beings that have not received Free Will are servants of Royalty. Even in the Universe there is a hierarchy, but even at this, all were designed the Light.

The natural ability that comes with the first breath given to Free Will is Whole Sensory Perception. Whole sensory perception is called Inno-Sense, or the intuitive inner ability to sense Whole Truth. A wholly conscious Light Being is one who is wholly aware of the responsibility that comes with Free Will.

One that has been born with Inno-Sense must learn their connection to the Universe through whole sensory experiences. Because there is a Living Connection to the Whole Universe, Inno-Sense must learn to make choices and decisions that are in harmony with the Whole Universe by learning to "listen" with whole sensory perception. This learning process protects all of creation while the learning process is going on.

In the beginning when Inno-Sense was introduced into the world, Inno-Sense, which is defined as Adam and Eve, the ability to understand what One Whole Sense was for was interrupted. This split Inno-Sense into 5 separate body senses. Once this was done, the Light in Inno-Sense was fragmented into 5 separate body senses. Without a reference to the Whole, Whole Inno-Sense became fragmented innocence.

The breath that once linked Inno-Sense to Omniscience or Whole Understanding and our Higher Will, instead began to use the fragmented senses in the body as its source of reference. Now the breath is assigned to the body, instead of the once Grand purpose it once had.

Although the original purpose of the breath has all but been forgotten, the One Who gave us an Identity of Universal Royalty at the time of our birth has not forgotten. Perhaps it is time for us to remember as well.

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