Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Being Stuck On and In Body Bondage

The body is a Universal learning device. Under Higher Guidance, it serves the Higher Self. However, because of the deception, it is not being used as a means to an end, which would be to serve a Higher purpose, but instead is being used to serve a purpose of bondage. The most troubling aspect of this is that we are allowing it.

If we are not serving our Higher Unlimited Self, then who are we serving? If we are serving something or someone else, then we are in bondage. The obvious means to be used for bondage purposes is the body. Allow this idea to travel deep within your unconscious mind. Instead of accepting the bondage issue that lies deep within the memories of the body, ask yourself if this is possible, and then ask another question.

If you do not believe it is possible that you are being held in body bondage, then ask a question in your mind to disprove this. Then ask a question to prove this. Write down all of the ways that the body serves you, then write down all of the ways your body is serving someone or something else.

Listen, your body does not serve health. The body houses all kinds of disease. If you get sick, you have to work for restoring your health. This is a bondage issue. Your body does not serve to make you abundant, as this is something you have to work for in the body. This is therefore a bondage issue.

Your body does provide you with happiness, as most people have to adjust their body to accept happiness, or they have to work very hard to find it. If finding happiness is the case, this is a bondage issue.

Your body offers 5 separate senses to define the external world. It also offers another sense that is part of the bondage issue. This non-sense is called fear. Fear of what will happen to the body if one does not do what they are supposed to do is a bondage issue.

Paper laws are not designed to protect the body, neither are nutritional laws. Paper laws are designed to protect the things that keep the body in bondage, as are nutritional laws. Behavioral conformity to this bondage is demanded. If one does not conform, an external finger can be pointed at what has not been conformed to so the bondage issue can be proven is not only beneficial, but is necessary to keep the body in bondage. The fact is the so called experts that have studied the means to keep the bondage issue alive are merely mimicking what has been programmed into the body for thousands of years.

For something to be true, it must be true in every case. If an absolute truth appears to be inconsistent, perhaps it is your attachment to the bondage issue that is preventing you from entertaining the understanding necessary to see an absolute truth. Truth is never inconsistent, but those who have bondage issues coming out of the belief that it is the body that provides the supreme purpose are traveling down the path of inconsistency. Don't you see that it is this inconsistent path that you are protecting to preserve the body that is keeping YOU in bondage. The question is, what are you protecting the body for; the final outcome, which is death? This makes no sense whatsoever.

Fear of loss, fear of sickness, fear of war, fear of anything outside of the body that can take value away from the body, cannot protect the body. This is because the body is being held in bondage as a ransom to keep people in bondage.

Truth must be wholly sensed. The reason it is difficult to wholly sense truth is because of the separation of the bodies senses. What is sensed as being freeing visually, may not be sensed as freeing from a body feeling perspective. Then again, what is being heard may not match up with what we see or what we feel. This is called being stuck, and this is a bondage issue. We believe that the mind/body/spirit must be aligned, but these will never be aligned unless and until the senses are aligned as One. It is the body that is out of this alignment.

The bondage issue begins at the sensory level. The problems that are occurring in our world do not stem from money, addiction, terrorists, greed, theft, hunger, plagues, disease, racism, intolerance, and the list goes on. The problem is coming from how we sense these issues are effecting, or will effect, the body.

At least be willing to ask another question before you make up your mind and choose to go deeper into the body/bondage issue. Is what you are being shown really make sense? All reasoning begins at the sensory level, not the belief level. Learn to question everything, because if the people of this world are not at least willing to question, not how they were led into bondage, but if they are still blindly following their own personal enslavement without question.

There is not one issue that is going on externally that can split the mind/body from the unlimited spirit without the interference of the bondage issue occurring at the body level. The body is being held in bondage to these problems because it is personally believed it is possible to sense these problems as being real. These issues are not separate. They were orchestrated in chaos to prevent us from questioning the real issue. There is only one issue. This is a body bondage issue. All of this is an illusion. Wake up.

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