Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The Stealing of Collective Inno-Sense

Whole inner truth does not belong to the body, as a belief cannot be wholly shared. Although a personal belief can be shared or communicated to another body, but it will never be wholly agreed upon.  This is because truth is not communicated body to body, it is inherent wisdom, and therefore part of who we are.

The reason that the people in our world do not have collective access to this invisible collective inherent truth is because of an error that occurred at the foundation of our world, or in the beginning. This error was so profound, it has taken 7000 years to set into motion a perfect Universal Plan to undo it. The name of this 7000 year old Plan is called One Wholeness Now.

Of all of the deplorable and evil deeds that are committed in our world, the destruction and stealing of innocence from a child is on the top of the list. This is also a deplorable act at a Universal level as well, but this is exactly what occurred in what the Bible refers to as, in the beginning.

Shifting the Global Foundation of Inno-Sense away from the natural ability to "hear" the Living Sound of Truth came from guardians who were left in charge of Inno-Sense to protect and serve, as Inno-Sense is considered Universal Royalty. The guardians who were left in charge of Inno-Sense could be viewed as Universal nanny's. While the guardians responsibility did not include the education of Inno-Sense, just like a child, Inno-Sense was not to be left alone to their own devices. This is because, as we all know, if you leave a child to their own devices, they are bound to explore something that they have no business exploring, or they get into some kind of mischief. Only in this case, it was the nanny guardians who conspired the mischief. It was this evil mischief that shifted the natural inner ability that would one day be global Inno-Sense towards a deception. 

Once this deception was introduced by the guardians into the inner Truth of Inno-Sense, the foundation of our world was contaminated with guilt. Before this contamination, there was no such thing as guilt, and no opposition to the whole Truth. It is this truthful Inno-Sense Foundation that is our global legacy and inheritance. However, until the deceptive curse of the evil nanny guardians is completely removed from the collective, our world will continue to experience lies, deceptions, and unnatural evil globally.

Inno-Sense is the Foundation for our Collective inner Truth. It is the ability to wholly understand and recognize that this truth is greater than our personal understanding. This is the One Intuitive Collective Sense that we were born with that was exchanged for the limited ability to intellectualize with personal understanding. This unnatural ability is full of deception and lack, and is also why it is called belief. 

Because of the original deception, we are individually very confused, and do not understand what to believe. It is guilt that keeps us in the dark, but it is body fear, or fear based intelligence (FBI) that prevents us from looking beyond what we have been trained to see. There is something else, but it is up to us to recognize that the evil we are seeing in the world is coming from the deception. It is also our response-ability to look at our own inner turmoil that is arising from what we personally believe that is preventing us from seeing through the eyes of our own personal Inno-Sense. 

This is the Inno-Sense that has become buried alive within the body. The burying alive of our Inno-Sense is why we believe in death. Death is NOT real. It was an aspect of the original deception to control the destiny of the whole world. If Inno-Sense can die, it is therefore vulnerable to the lie. WAKE UP...nothing can hurt us. We are not sick, and we cannot die, except that we believe this. These are lies that have been passed on from generation to generation. We have it within our power to change all of this, but we must restore our global Inno-Sense first. From here we can build a foundation on Inner Truth. The Plan to restore Inno-Sense is simple, but it is not easy. There are 7000 years of deceptions that were planted by the evil nanny guardians that must be recognized and undone. 

Once guilt was introduced, we were introduced to guilt. The good is Inno-Sense, the bad is guilt, and the ugly is the deception that we believe we can see, which was produced from the introduction of guilt into the collective.

The ugly is the illusion, and you cannot fix an illusion. Although guilt is not real, we believe it is. Because we believe in guilt, fear is harbored in the body to protect unnatural guilt. Guilt is an unnatural emotion that is being used to control us into believing something that is not true. 

Emotions are defined within the emotional body. This is also referred to as the aura. Can you consciously control the aura? Sure, but it is difficult. It is simpler to undo the unnatural fear that has buried our Inno-Sense alive within the body. Fear we can sense with the body, but guilt we feel. 

The unnatural non-sense called fear has split Inno-Sense, or the ability to wholly sense truth, into 5 separate body senses. This IS what we are response-able for, as only we can sense the fear that is holding the completely false guilt that is controlling us emotionally in the emotional body. Cut off the connection of body fear to the guilt in the emotional body, and Inno-Sense will be restored.

We have been involved in the great deception that occurred thousands of years ago. Thus, we must also become involved in undoing the unnatural cause of the problem, which for us comes from the unnatural body sense called fear. 

This is the Plan for the Salvation of our World. This is a Universal Plan, and has been in effect for 7000 years. If you have access to a better plan, I am willing to listen.

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