Inno-Sense is what we are born with. It is whole sensory perception, and it also is host to our independent free will. This is the Identity that is Universally recognized as being real, as it is given upon our first breath. The problem is, it never is given the opportunity to mature, as it is snatched away soon after with a paper identity that begins the process of shifting the ability to wholly sense our Identity with fragmenting the senses into 5 separate body senses.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
A Disturbing Story of Stolen Innocence
The idea that someone can come and steal a whole town of Inno-Sense is frightening. Yet, this is what occurred on a grander scale at the foundation of our world.
What would occur in a town where there were no children? What would occur in a whole world if there were no Inno-Sense?
That the Pied Piper is an actual event that took place hundreds of years ago is very disturbing. Who took the children, and what happened to them?
There is an unnatural sound that tempted Inno-Sense in the beginning of time, or at the beginning of the 7th day, when it is reported that Source went to rest after Creating the Earth and everything in it. Of course, much of this story is a metaphor for what really occurred, as it is impossible to think in terms of what were the real circumstances and conditions that surrounded the Biblical Story of Creation. Because much of this information was lost during the Great Flood, and we have been deprived of much of the truth that occurred after the separation, we have been left with many gaps in our personal and global understanding concerning this major spiritual event.
All we know is what the Bible shares, which tells of a temptation that deceived the Inno-Sense of our world to enter into a global rebellion against the Light Forces in the Universe.
It must be understood how important Inno-Sense is to the Whole Universe, as it is Inno-Sense that defines a Foundation of truth for any physical matter based reality. Without this Inno-Sense of truth as a foundation, whatever is on top will surely crumble. This is obviously where our world exists today. For thousands of years, the gap between Inno-Sense Truth and Universal Light has been getting bigger and bigger. Today we face the proposition of time being split in two, or the emotionally defined world where we communicate face to face, or the virtual world, where we communicate through artificial intelligence. The problem is, our Inno-Sense does not exist in an artificially defined reality. In effect, if we do not accept the Universal Help that is being provided for us, we will in fact be the Pied Piper that will close the door to our own Inno-Sense. The Universe is allowing us this time to fix this problem. If we are unwilling to accept this Help, and instead continue attempting to find our own way, our Inno-Sense will be lost to us, and the opportunity to offer a Foundation of Truth that our world so desperately needs will be lost once we cross over into a reality where there is no Inno-Sense emotions.
The fact that the war for the Inno-Sense of our world for its Foundation should not be lost on our conscious "adult" understanding. Our Spiritual Inno-Sense has been buried in time, not the dirt, where this world seeks to prove a deceptive foundation built on a lie.
The Pied Piper played a deceptive flute that tempted Inno-Sense in the beginning and stole the Inno-Sense Foundation of Truth that was destined to be a Whole New World. The unnatural deceptive sound of this flute continues to be heard by our Inno-Sense that has been buried in time. It is our responsibility to find the times when we heard this deceptive distraction, and decided to accept it as a real sound. It is NOT a real sound. As long as we continue to be distracted by this deceptive sound as an "adult" is how long our Inno-Sense will be kept in bondage to the darkness of this fear.
Only we can release our Inno-Sense. This is the only request that the Universe is making, return to Heaven what belongs to Heaven, and all of the global problems that are plaguing our world will straighten out.
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Friday, January 22, 2016
What was the Serpent in Genesis?
Full Definition of serpent
1a archaic : a noxious creature that creeps, hisses, or stingsb : snake
2: devil 1
3: a treacherous person It is difficult to have a whole picture of what the Bible is referring to when it speaks about how Adam and Eve were deceived by a snake, as we all know that snakes do not talk. However, in the account in Genesis, it is clearly evident that some kind of serpent was communicating with Eve.
It would have to be assumed that whatever this serpent was, it obviously did not use discretion in its dealings with the Inno-Sense that what in the Garden defined in the Genesis account.
It must be recognized that Adam and Eve were regarded as Spiritually Royal Children that were protected by the Universe. While there were Guardians that were appointed to watch over Inno-Sense, there were clearly other beings, not recognized as being Hu-man children that lived in the Garden and were defined as servants of the Royalty understood as Inno-Sense. The duties of these servants were to maintain the Kingdom, or the Garden, while the Royal Children were to attend to their conscious education. This would be an education that would teach them how to use their Creative Talent in the Universe as a Conscious Co-Creator.
it is important to understand that not all beings in the Universe have been given Free Will. It is Free Will that identifies an individual as being Universal Royalty that enters into a body to define a conscious intention, which will be used to become a Universal Co-Creator. Other beings, as is mentioned in the Story of Genesis, are meant to serve Universal Royalty.
These beings do not carry the higher frequency that defines them as being of the Light, simply because they do not carry the inner Light necessary to link them directly to the Higher Will of God, or Source. They live in a gray area, which is not of the Light, but neither is it of the darkness.
A loyal servant of Royalty is rewarded, and sometimes rewarded with eternal life. This reward will make them real, as in the Velveteen Rabbit. It is the reward that keeps the servant in subjection to the Light in hopes of bettering their position. Beyond this I have no ability that I can relay in terms that would be understood at a body level. Most people understand the Royalty servant thing because this kind of thing has been going on in our world for thousands of years, as in the British Monarchy.
The Bible speaks of the serpent as being lowly, or with no redeeming qualities. It was self absorbed in its desires, which was completely unlike Inno-Sense. This made it the perfect link for the Guardians who were assigned to watch over Inno-Sense in the Garden.
In terms of time, it is difficult to know how long the guardians took in hatching a plan to undermine Inno-Sense in order to access the Living Flow of Higher Communication moving through the Light, which is recognized by all as being time, or Now. Once a plan was in motion, the plot began to thicken. All they needed was someone that was trusted by Inno-Sense to tempt them into trusting that they were being told the truth, when in fact it was a lie.
How long it took for the serpent to gain the trust of Inno-Sense the Bible does not say. However, it must have took more than one conversation, as Eve was not convinced that this would be something that would be helpful, and she was right. It is unsure what she was warned about. It would probably be like a parent warning a child not to go with a stranger today. We understand the consequences of such an act, however children do not.
Just as a child that has been told not to go with strangers, they will go because the temptation being offered to them is greater than the warning of the parent. What a child is being offered is a lie, for when they listen to the lie, what they end up with is pure evil. This is obviously what the Biblical story in the beginning is relaying.
Although the guardians did not have access to time, if Inno-Sense was tempted into agreeing to the deception, the guardians would have access to the Living Communication running through time. Because Inno-Sense had access to this Flow of Living Communication, once Inno-Sense agreed to allow the guardians access to Living Flow, they would be able to introduce a lie into it, which would allow them access to the whole Universal Flow, which emits Spiritual Light into time. This would not just be in our world, but on every Planet that housed a civilization that was housed by time.
This was obviously not a little indiscretion. It was a deliberate plot to undermine the Universal Plan to introduce Light into the whole Universe. It just happened to be the Planet Earth that this evil plan was conceived and carried out on. It was the Inno-Sense Foundation that would define our world as being One with the Communication of Light running through time that would enable our world to be recognized as being One with the Light, and therefore recognized as Conscious Co-Creators of the Universe.
Just as a child needs roots to be brought up to be who they are as an adult, the Living Roots that would have defined our world as being One with the Light was stolen in the beginning. Fortunately, a Universal Plan went into effect immediately, which would prevent the guardians from accessing Living Flow, although it would still move through nature.
The disconnect from Natural Living Flow set Inno-Sense outside of the Garden of Life, where they would be deceived for thousands of years. This is the world we live in today. It would take 6000 years of living under this lie for people to begin to wake up to the fact that we are in fact being deceived.
As for the serpent, more will be shared concerning this needy race of servants in another post. I am here to share the Story that brought us individually into this point in Universal History. There is always more than what meets the eye, or what we have been told in the past.
The physical history of the world was designed to cover up our Spiritual Roots, which are buried in TIME, not the dirt. This is where physical history is know...the dirt that the snake crawls over.
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Wednesday, January 20, 2016
The Stealing of Collective Inno-Sense
Whole inner truth does not belong to the body, as a belief cannot be wholly shared. Although a personal belief can be shared or communicated to another body, but it will never be wholly agreed upon. This is because truth is not communicated body to body, it is inherent wisdom, and therefore part of who we are.
The reason that the people in our world do not have collective access to this invisible collective inherent truth is because of an error that occurred at the foundation
of our world, or in the beginning. This error was so profound, it has taken 7000 years to set into motion a perfect Universal Plan to undo it. The name of this 7000 year old Plan is called One Wholeness Now.
Of all of the deplorable and evil deeds that are committed in our world, the destruction and stealing of innocence from a child is on the top of the list. This
is also a deplorable act at a Universal level as well, but this is exactly what occurred in what the Bible refers to as, in the beginning.
Shifting the Global Foundation of Inno-Sense away from the natural ability to "hear" the Living Sound of Truth came from guardians who were left in charge
of Inno-Sense to protect and serve, as Inno-Sense is considered Universal Royalty. The guardians who were left in charge of Inno-Sense could be viewed as Universal nanny's. While the guardians responsibility did not include the education of Inno-Sense, just like a child, Inno-Sense was not to be left alone to their own devices. This is because, as we all know, if you leave a child to their own devices, they are bound to explore something that they have no business exploring, or they get into some kind of mischief. Only in this case, it was the nanny guardians who conspired the mischief. It was this evil mischief that shifted the natural inner ability that would one day be global Inno-Sense towards a deception.
Once this deception was introduced by the guardians into the inner Truth of Inno-Sense, the foundation of our world was contaminated with guilt. Before this contamination, there was no such thing as guilt, and no opposition to the whole Truth. It is this truthful Inno-Sense Foundation that is our global legacy and inheritance. However, until the deceptive curse of the evil nanny guardians is completely removed from the collective, our world will continue to experience lies, deceptions, and unnatural evil globally.
Inno-Sense is the Foundation for our Collective inner Truth. It is the ability to wholly understand and recognize that this truth is greater than our personal
understanding. This is the One Intuitive Collective Sense that we were born with that was exchanged for the limited ability to intellectualize with personal understanding. This unnatural ability is full of deception and lack, and is also why it is called belief.
Because of the original deception, we are individually very confused, and do not understand what to believe. It is guilt that keeps us in the dark, but it is body fear, or fear based intelligence (FBI) that prevents us from looking beyond what we have been trained to see. There is something else, but it is up to us to recognize that the evil we are seeing in the world is coming from the deception. It is also our response-ability to look at our own inner turmoil that is arising from what we personally believe that is preventing us from seeing through the eyes of our own personal Inno-Sense.
This is the Inno-Sense that has become buried alive within the body. The burying alive of our Inno-Sense is why we believe in death. Death is NOT real. It was an aspect of the original deception to control the destiny of the whole world. If Inno-Sense can die, it is therefore vulnerable to the lie. WAKE UP...nothing can hurt us. We are not sick, and we cannot die, except that we believe this. These are lies that have been passed on from generation to generation. We have it within our power to change all of this, but we must restore our global Inno-Sense first. From here we can build a foundation on Inner Truth. The Plan to restore Inno-Sense is simple, but it is not easy. There are 7000 years of deceptions that were planted by the evil nanny guardians that must be recognized and undone.
Once guilt was introduced, we were introduced to guilt. The good is Inno-Sense, the bad is guilt, and the ugly is the deception that we believe we can see, which was produced from the introduction of guilt into the collective.
The ugly is the illusion, and you cannot fix an illusion. Although guilt is not real, we believe it is. Because we believe in guilt, fear is harbored in the body to protect unnatural guilt. Guilt is an unnatural emotion that is being used to control us into believing something that is not true.
Emotions are defined within the emotional body. This is also referred to as the aura. Can you consciously control the aura? Sure, but it is difficult. It is simpler to undo the unnatural fear that has buried our Inno-Sense alive within the body. Fear we can sense with the body, but guilt we feel.
The unnatural non-sense called fear has split Inno-Sense, or the ability to wholly sense truth, into 5 separate body senses. This IS what we are response-able for, as only we can sense the fear that is holding the completely false guilt that is controlling us emotionally in the emotional body. Cut off the connection of body fear to the guilt in the emotional body, and Inno-Sense will be restored.
We have been involved in the great deception that occurred thousands of years ago. Thus, we must also become involved in undoing the unnatural cause of the problem, which for us comes from the unnatural body sense called fear.
This is the Plan for the Salvation of our World. This is a Universal Plan, and has been in effect for 7000 years. If you have access to a better plan, I am willing to listen.
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Saturday, January 16, 2016
Living History and Communication
There are two different levels of communication that we engage in. One is external, and the other is internal. The external language we use comes from the past. It comes from what we have learned to believe is real or true, according to our physical experiences, or what we have been taught. Once these experiences are firmly planted in our unconscious mind, we internally communicate as we look at the external world. This means of communicating does not define Living Historical Value, as it is information that has been recycled, and it is retold over and over again, if not in history books, then it is information that has been passed on. This is history that is primarily interested in how the external world affects us, and what we have to do to make a correction so that the past does not catch up with us. All external history and communication that comes from this is called Fear Based Intelligence.
Before the great deception, Language was defined by a Stream or Flow of Higher Mature Consciousness, which fed into the Living Inno-Sense, which was forming the a newly formed global foundation for the world that we occupy today. This was a Living Language that was lost because of the deception that was played out in the beginning, or as the story of the Garden of Eden relates to us in the Bible.
Although we continue to have access to the Living Language, we mostly use the fear based body intelligence that has disconnected us from our Living History and the Living Language that our Inno-Sense had access to in the beginning. Because of the fear based intelligence that we have grown accustomed to using to communicate with, we have a difficult time accessing the Living Flow that we took for granted before the great deception interrupted or separated our world from this form of Universal Communion.
Because what was buried at the time of separation was not the ability to hear Living Language, but was in fact our connection TO this Living Language, this connection has to be restored. Once it is restored, we will once again be part of the Living Flow that was lost in the beginning, or at the foundation of our world. This connection will allow us access to the unlimited possibilities that have been denied our world since Living Communication was replaced with a fear based body language.
The fear based history of our world has been tied up in a Universal Conspiracy that began thousands of years ago. This occurred when Inno-Sense was tempted into buying into a deception. This deception occurred in time.
Time is a dimension, and it is invisible. Because we cannot physically see what is going on in time, we do not understand how much is really being communicated there. Because the problem began in time, it must also be rectified there. Do you know how to work in time? Would you understand how to restore the Living Inno-Sense that connected us to the Living Stream of Flow? Would you know how to shift your limited understanding out of fear based body intelligence into a Living Flow of understanding consistently? If not, then listen up.
First, how we communicate with the body is very primitive. How we use the 5 senses is very primitive. We were born with Inno-Sense, which means the dormant ability to use One Whole Sense to tune into the Inner Intuitive Sense is within our grasp, but not within our ability to consistently stay in the Living Flow that would end the individual and global separation that occurred thousands of years ago. How could we if we do not even remember the Inno-Sense we were born with.
If we are not ready to make the shift into Living Flow, we can at least be willing to admit that something we have done in our Inno-Sense, or our Inno-Sense has been subjected to, has transposed guilt into time. By changing the Living Value that Flows through time, we have forgotten our Living History and the Living Language, and are settling for the deceptive conspiracy to steal our Birth Right, and our Inheritance away from us and our world.
Everything we abhor in our world can be corrected. The violations that have caused our Inno-Sense, or the Foundation of our world, to bury itself and commit to a living hell can be undone, but not without our help.
Correction for the injustice perpetrated against the Inno-Sense in our world must be brought to Justice. This is not paper justice that our world uses to make paper laws. This is Higher Justice. This is Justice that comes from Living Law. This is the Living Law that protects the Living History that we have forgotten, and the Living Flow that would show us our Universal Royalty, but we must agree to be part of this Living Plan.
I made a decision years ago to follow a specific Plan that had been made just for me to restore my Inno-Sense. I had no idea what this meant, but I trusted that I would be shown. There is a Plan for you to reach the Living Flow of Language that is our collective Inheritance.
The next steps that will undo the messes that are occurring in our world will not be fixed by politicians, religion, war, or attempting to save the world with money. You cannot fix a problem you cannot see, and seeking for an impossible solution is impossible.
Let us join together and seek for new possibilities from a Universal Plan that understands the problem, and therefore understands the solution. This solution will not work without us. The Universe holds the miracle means to correct this error, but we hold the key. This key is called our Inno-Sense that has been buried alive. Haven't we suffered enough?
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Before the great deception, Language was defined by a Stream or Flow of Higher Mature Consciousness, which fed into the Living Inno-Sense, which was forming the a newly formed global foundation for the world that we occupy today. This was a Living Language that was lost because of the deception that was played out in the beginning, or as the story of the Garden of Eden relates to us in the Bible.
Although we continue to have access to the Living Language, we mostly use the fear based body intelligence that has disconnected us from our Living History and the Living Language that our Inno-Sense had access to in the beginning. Because of the fear based intelligence that we have grown accustomed to using to communicate with, we have a difficult time accessing the Living Flow that we took for granted before the great deception interrupted or separated our world from this form of Universal Communion.
Because what was buried at the time of separation was not the ability to hear Living Language, but was in fact our connection TO this Living Language, this connection has to be restored. Once it is restored, we will once again be part of the Living Flow that was lost in the beginning, or at the foundation of our world. This connection will allow us access to the unlimited possibilities that have been denied our world since Living Communication was replaced with a fear based body language.
The fear based history of our world has been tied up in a Universal Conspiracy that began thousands of years ago. This occurred when Inno-Sense was tempted into buying into a deception. This deception occurred in time.
Time is a dimension, and it is invisible. Because we cannot physically see what is going on in time, we do not understand how much is really being communicated there. Because the problem began in time, it must also be rectified there. Do you know how to work in time? Would you understand how to restore the Living Inno-Sense that connected us to the Living Stream of Flow? Would you know how to shift your limited understanding out of fear based body intelligence into a Living Flow of understanding consistently? If not, then listen up.
First, how we communicate with the body is very primitive. How we use the 5 senses is very primitive. We were born with Inno-Sense, which means the dormant ability to use One Whole Sense to tune into the Inner Intuitive Sense is within our grasp, but not within our ability to consistently stay in the Living Flow that would end the individual and global separation that occurred thousands of years ago. How could we if we do not even remember the Inno-Sense we were born with.
If we are not ready to make the shift into Living Flow, we can at least be willing to admit that something we have done in our Inno-Sense, or our Inno-Sense has been subjected to, has transposed guilt into time. By changing the Living Value that Flows through time, we have forgotten our Living History and the Living Language, and are settling for the deceptive conspiracy to steal our Birth Right, and our Inheritance away from us and our world.
Everything we abhor in our world can be corrected. The violations that have caused our Inno-Sense, or the Foundation of our world, to bury itself and commit to a living hell can be undone, but not without our help.
Correction for the injustice perpetrated against the Inno-Sense in our world must be brought to Justice. This is not paper justice that our world uses to make paper laws. This is Higher Justice. This is Justice that comes from Living Law. This is the Living Law that protects the Living History that we have forgotten, and the Living Flow that would show us our Universal Royalty, but we must agree to be part of this Living Plan.
I made a decision years ago to follow a specific Plan that had been made just for me to restore my Inno-Sense. I had no idea what this meant, but I trusted that I would be shown. There is a Plan for you to reach the Living Flow of Language that is our collective Inheritance.
The next steps that will undo the messes that are occurring in our world will not be fixed by politicians, religion, war, or attempting to save the world with money. You cannot fix a problem you cannot see, and seeking for an impossible solution is impossible.
Let us join together and seek for new possibilities from a Universal Plan that understands the problem, and therefore understands the solution. This solution will not work without us. The Universe holds the miracle means to correct this error, but we hold the key. This key is called our Inno-Sense that has been buried alive. Haven't we suffered enough?
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Friday, January 15, 2016
In Living Color
Living Color is the Living Art Forms we were to add to the world. This Living Art would have come through our Inno-Sense, or our Free Will Expression. The problem began when our Inno-Sense was defiled by a deception of Universal proportion. It has taken thousands of years to reach a perfect space in time where it would be possible to understand this, and then make the corrections necessary.
Black is the Color of Guilt
Linear time has come to an end. The gaps that were introduced at the time of the separation have become so large that the Light filtering into our world to support Living Color is renow gone. This is the End of the Inno-Sense.
There was a time when an empty space was filled with Living possibilities. Abstract Living Color filled these empty spaces with Light that had not yet taken form. This was the purpose of Inno-Sense, to learn how to fill empty spaces of Light with Living Color.
The Living Abstract Color that we once had access to has long been forgotten. The Natural Ability to Color in an empty space with a Living Season is not even a memory. Now, only darkness fills these empty spaces with a black cloud of guilt. If only we could remember.
The joy that was our Inno-Sense was traded for guilt. We have been manipulated throughout time through our personal guilt to believe that where there was once Light, there is only a guilty darkness. This is where the haunting sound of hell is remembered, but it is not there. The haunting sound in the guilty black hole is the sound of our OWN Inno-Sense calling to us through the darkness.
We do not recognize the Innocent Sound because it has been covered in time with the haunting sound of guilt. This is not Who We Are, but we believe it is what we did.
Everywhere we look in our world, we see evidence of our guilt. We have trained the bodies eyes to see what is not there. What we see is what we have made to fill in the dark holes. We have stopped questioning the black guilt that weighs heavy in time, and trust that what we see is real. It is not. It is an illusion.
We believe we can see what is not there. We see with eyes that have been trained to see what is not there. The limitation of our vision is due to the unnatural consequences of a deception that began thousands of years ago.
This deception distorted the accuracy of our Vision of Inno-Sense. One bad decision led to another, and then another, until it was impossible to tell what is the truth. The decision to see through the tunnel vision of a body has taken us deep into a Universal conspiracy designed to make us uncertain of our reality. The fearful consequences of our past actions keep us trapped in what we do not understand. This is not how it is supposed to be.
We do not see what guilt is doing in time because we see through the eyes that have been trained to see guilt; our guilt. The shadow of guilt was designed to draw labels and false witnesses against each other to enslave us by undermining our Universal Rights. The illusion that we live in, and claim to be our world, has served an unholy purpose for thousands of years, but it is time for a reckoning. It is time to set it all straight. It is time to reclaim what belongs to us. It is time to reclaim the empty space and introduce the Living Color that we forgot about a long, long time ago. It is time to begin again.
The dark gap that we have been taught is real, has a better purpose. The gap can be re-purposed. Its value can be restored by the Living Light of Miracles. The steps taken towards re-purposing the darkness in time can be exchanged for a Season that Miracles will provide. This will be called A Season of Miracles.
A Season of Miracles will Cause the desert will bloom again. The Peace that was unbroken before guilt stole our Inno-Sense away, will once again return, and Living Art that we create will once again fill the Earth. All of this and more is being offered to us.
We the people have been given the ability to unlock creation and fill the empty space in time. When we forgot how to Create with Living Color, we just forgot how to fill in the empty spaces, but we can reclaim this empty space. The Universe has a Plan to help us reclaim the empty space where guilt now resides, but we have to make a revolutionary choice that will disrupt everything we believe about ourselves, our world, and our relationship to time.
Are you up for the challenge?
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Real Time is a Spiral, not a time Line
Authors Note: The great deception was not perpetrated against a mature collective, it was perpetrated against the Inno-Sense that would be the Foundation for a collective whole New World Society. Before the Great Flood, which placed our collective world on a linear timeline, the collective was located in a time spiral that allowed our Inno-Sense to journey through time while creating a Season. Once the Season was wholly complete, Inno-Sense graduated into spiritual maturity. This meant that they were consciously prepared to accept their position of being a Universal Co-Creator. Thus, the spirals of time that move throughout the Universe are defined as a journey, not years. The linear timeline does not define a spiritual journey, it is defined in body years. Because we are not a body, but in fact spirit by nature, finding our way off of the linear timeline is essential to preserve the integrity of the Spirit, and also save our world.
The circle of time does not exist in 3D. The unnatural purpose of walking on a linear timeline is to define an independent reality outside of the whole reality that is defined in time. The beginning of the linear timeline began after the Great Flood, although this was not the moment in time when the great deception began. The great deception began at the Foundation of our world, or in the Beginning. Much of this information has been hidden from us, as the physical history of the world was re-written on a linear timeline to explain the deception. False evidence was planted in linear time to make us believe that something was real, which was in fact a lie. This deception has been going on for thousands of years, but the linear timeline has ended.
Because there is no more linear time, the people will have to find their way into the Real Time Zone that was defined for our Inno-Sense in the Beginning, or at the Foundation of our world. In effect, we are going back to the future, where we belong, but we have a long way to go.
The process of undoing the unnatural effects of the deception that was introduced in the beginning must happen in time, not in the body. For us as individuals, this means that we are not being asked to "do" anything with the body, as making the body move to define a personal and independent reality will be actually interfering with the New Journey through time. This will be most difficult, as we have been falsely seasoned to believe that we must work hard with the body for a living, as well as making a life for ourselves and our families. This is not what our purpose is. Working hard on a linear timeline was part of the original deception, which was to move the people towards global bondage. This has almost worked, except that there is a Universal Plan in place that works in Real Time. The linear timeline has no authority in Real Time. Thus, we are being asked to consciously learn how to use our individual unleashed Power in Free Will to reach into Real Time. This will allow us to remember our Ancient Heritage slowly, while allowing us a period of adjustment. This is because Real Time is quite different than the linear time zone we have learned to believe is real. It is not real. It is a lie.
The time that we are being granted Universally to make our way back across linear time to find and undo the many personal deceptions that we have accepted as real will serve many purposes. Most of these purposes will be recognized as the individual begins to undo the personal deceptions they have determined are real, but in fact have nothing to do with reality at all.
For some individuals, they will be ready to make this Journey now. For others, they will wait, hoping that somehow they can make their old independent body adjust to a space where there is no more time. Thus, it will just be a matter of time for everyone to make this journey.
Remember please that we are making a journey through time, but not with the body. The body is a limit, and we are not limited to the body. We are in fact Time Masters, created to direct time to introduce Light into the Whole Universe. It is time for us to journey back through time and reclaim our world and our Heritage.
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Thursday, January 14, 2016
Inno-Sense Fall From Grace
Although it does not seem possible, an error that occurred thousands of years ago, which was recorded in the Bible as the fall from Grace or the separation, disrupted the whole natural flow that existed between humankind and nature. Because of this deception, people are no longer connected to nature, and are in fact afraid of its consequences. Not realizing that it is this self made fear that inspires unnatural weather conditions, this unnatural fear only grows.
Natural flow is the spiritual determination for success, happiness and prosperity. In the unnatural time zone that our world fell into because of this error, we learned to believe that our fear was justified and would somehow protect us. This remains part of the great deception, which defined the original error.
Today we instead seek to find health, happiness, and prosperity in an unnatural flow that was designed to keep the people of the world in the dark, and also prevents them from asking questions that would lead to their ultimate escape from the darkness and isolation, which was the purpose of the great deception. If we the people do not seek to explore the means that the Universe has provided to move across time and get out of this time zone that has separated us from the natural conditions and flow that is our birth Right, we will find ourselves living in a nightmare worse than the one that we are in right now.
Linear time is collapsing. The linear time zone is an illusion. A specific amount of time was allotted for this error, and we are now at the end of the allotted time that was assigned for this time zone.
As soon as the error was made thousands of years ago and deception entered into the unconscious mind, an immediate response was Universally made to undo this error. Read the Universal Response yourself in Genesis. For some reason, this response just seems to be shoved aside. But in reality, this is what they whole bible is about. It is a spiritually recorded history of this response. It was never meant to be taken as a religious account, but rather a genealogical link to the error, as well as the solution.
Every 2000 years a major spiritual event occurs. The first event was the shift into linear time. This was recorded as the Great Flood.
The second event was when Moses gave the Law to the people. This event introduced the higher Universal standards that keep the Universe in perfect order.
The 3rd event was the Birth of Inno-Sense into our world. The Bible states, when time was full, God sent His Son. Time was set to end then, but an event so miraculous occurred, linear time was reset for 2000 more years.
Today, we have been given the opportunity to reset time once again. The ability to reset time is within the hands of the people. But they must make this choice. Choosing to make this choice is called The Miracle Response. This IS the Universal Response to the Universal crime perpetrated against the people of our world.
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The Miracle Alchemist
Monday, January 11, 2016
Inno-Sense Value Sliced and Diced
Actually, our Self Value has been sliced and diced and placed in the external world. Everything we believe we see that has value is in fact coming from the Self Value we have been deceived/shamed into projecting outside of our Self onto separate external/material value that can do no-thing to protect or save us.Time is collapsing on this inappropriate use of Self Value. We cannot save anything or anyone because we cannot save ourselves. Our Self has been too fragmented to offer help to save our world. Our Self has been too fragmented to understand the truth. How can you understand the truth if YOU are the truth that has been cut up, sectioned off and scattered around in time?
Giving away money, our time, our energy, and the list goes on, out of shame, guilt, or feeling sorry for someone else, is an attempt to help our fragmented Self, not them. Until the fact is recognized that we are all One, and the fragments of the Self we have scattered all over the 3rd dimension are brought together in Wholeness, time will continue to be wasted. Let the dead bury the dead. There is a Plan for every living person in this world to restore the Wholeness of the Self. But we are the Ones who must accept our OWN personal Plan. We cannot give this Plan to ourselves because we are too fragmented to recognize it.
The purpose of time is to create Seasons of Wholeness. The purpose of the time being allotted for us individually is to define a personal Season of Miracles. It is this that will change the Whole world.
Because the purpose of miracles is to deny all of the false attachments we have made that explains a distorted and insanee, a way had to be made to help us gather the fragmented value of the Self, and place it under the protection of Wholeness, or Whole understanding. Once all of the fragments of the Self are brought together and are in alignment with Self Value, the deception will be over and so will the personal nightmare that was imposed by the great deception. Once this is complete, Righteousness will be restored to us individually first, and then to the whole world.
This is a Plan of accelerated dimensional learning, and there is a specific Plan for You.
How the individual chooses to learn is up to them. However, what they learn is not. How can one teach themselves if they do not even understand what it is they are to learn?
It is time to begin again. It is Time for a Season of Miracle
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Global Inno-Sense Crime Scene
It is time for individuals to begin to examine the guilty and fearful evidence occurring in their conscious waking life. It is necessary to begin to look at personal life as evidence of a guilty crime scene that must be acknowledged and undone to restore Inno-Sense to our world.
All of the individual guilty evidence that has been perpetrated against the Spiritual Property defined as Inno-Sense, is in fact indicated by the Universal crime scene that is defined as the Planet Earth. It is the Planet Earth that bares the greatest witness to this unholy crime. As individuals, we are withholding guilty evidence that would clean up the emotional global crime scene that we have individually contributed to, while restoring the Planet that houses our world to perfect peace.
It is time to free Mother Earth of the emotional guilt that surrounds her in time. It is time to free ourselves of the unnatural body fear that haunts us and keeps us awake at night. The solution is in our hands. If we do not choose to take the action that is being Universally provided for us to begin to clean up the emotional mess that we have contributed to, the Planet Earth will no longer support us. It is not that the Earth will do away with the body, it is going to do away with the unnatural guilt that is destroying her. Those who are left on the Planet Earth will be the ones who have chosen to learn how to release their Inno-Sense, so we can individually learn to live in harmony with nature. Fixing nature is NOT the problem. Reclaiming our Inno-Sense is the solution.
The only way this can occur is if we consciously and individually break the cycle of unnatural body fear that we seem to believe offers us individually, some kind of protection against guilt. This is clearly insane. Body fear is in fact the anchor that prevents guilt from being dispelled from the time that we share globally with the Planet Earth.
We have walked too far into the crime scene. In fact, we are so indoctrinated into the crime scene evidence, we do not even see that we are contributing to the evidence of guilt that circles like vultures in time, waiting to feast on what is left behind. This would be us, as there would be nothing left worth feasting on. Fear attracts fear, as like attracts like. The Law of Attraction is clear evidence of like attracting like. But we do not understand how this Law is being used in reverse on us. What you fear the most, you will attract. The Law of Attraction works perfectly, but we are out of alignment with the perfect order necessary to have this Law work for us. Instead, it is being used as false evidence to deceive us into believing that we can override the evidence that dwells in our own mind.
The Plan of One Wholeness Now does not deal with world religions, politics, races, corporations, or anything that has been made to support the unnatural body fear that protects the guilt surrounding the Earth. It deals with restoring Inno-Sense to the individual by undoing body fear.
We are being asked to learn how to exchange individual body fear for a miracle. Before one can do this, they must first acknowledge that they are protecting guilty evidence by hiding it behind personal body fear. Before one can go to step two, they must first take the first step.
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Shaming Inno-Sense
Omniscience is Whole Perfect Love. This is what we enter this world with. We do not understand that there is anything different because that is not how we were created.
All it takes is one time for the whole perfect Love that Inno-Sense carries into this world to be fragmented. This fragment travels through the heart of the child, where their whole Love Essence abides. If someone they Love shames them, when whole perfect Love travels through their heart again, in their Inno-Sense, they learn that this is NOT what love means, as they have learned that they must be the shame that the one they love is defining them with.
Add to this another circumstance that is similar. Only this time, they are shamed by someone else that they Love. As the evidence mounts up, every time they are introduced to someone that they could love, there is a growing need to become shamed by this individual.
Our Inno-Sense is very creative. It will seek out someone who will shame us, if this is what we have learned is love. Once we finds someone who does this, we react the same way we did in the past. We did not like it then, and we do not like it now. We call this chemistry, but this is insane ego chemistry.
The birth of the ego within is a purely physical experience, although it can feel spiritual. This is because a fragment of pure love is mixed in with the shame.. As we mature into adulthood, these fragments of Inno-Sense will continue to attempt to work this out with someone who ia like the shaming incident in the past. This is because the inner child does not know any better. Thus, the foundation of our relationships has been contaminated with a conscious false memory reference that will continue to revert to the past shame, In an attempt to consciously fix as an adult what we do not understand is the real problem, we will do the same thing that was done to us, or we will compile more inner shame....and so the legacy of shame continues.
As our Inno-Sense continues to fragment, the ego of the body seizes control, and intensifies the magnitude of the shame, or guilt, thus leading us to unconsciously seek for someone else to shame us, so we can attempt to work out this problem with them. Of course this never works, but because we do not consciously understand that the problem occurred within the foundation of our Innocent understanding, we continue to follow the mistake of the child.
The vast majority of individuals do not want to look at their childhood to find a solution because they unconsciously see this as being their foundation that they have built their life on top of. Without this foundation, they believe they will not exist. This is a lie the ego is perpetrating in order to keep us from finding the Omniscient Foundation we were born with.
Make no mistake how persuasive your ego can be. You made it in order to explain to yourself a lie, and only you can break the bonds that connect you to this lie. This problem will only intensify as the body moves through linear time.
The chemistry of the body moves towards death because it must have access to whole life to live. Changing the chemistry to accept the Foundation of the Whole Perfect Love, or Omniscience, we were born with, will take a miracle and alchemy.
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"And a Child Shall Lead Them All"
Inno-Sense is our connection to the Heavens. The reason Jesus had an acute sense of this connection was purely because He understood this connection. His ability to remain Innocent in the midst of overwhelming false evidence that proclaimed guilt was real, and Inno-Sense is not, bears witness to the Power of the miracles He performed while living in physical form. His foundation for His understanding was His Inno-Sense. Not information He accumulated while in a body. This was innate knowledge that we all have access to, but do not remember how to access.
The way to Self empowerment through miracles will be granted to us individually as we learn to release the Inno-Sense within the body that has remained imprisoned for thousands of years. Until our inner child is released to return to their Home, we will not go Home.
Do you remember the story of the Pied Piper? Everyone does. In the end of the story, the Piper came and stole the Inno-Sense away from the town because the people were unwilling to pay the Piper's price. There is a lesson in here for us. Because of our inability to fix our world, we go to so called experts in an attempt to fix what we do not understand. This requires a material price. Since the people of the town refused to pay the Piper, the children were stolen away from them. Do you see the comparison of what is occurring today? Our children are being stolen from us and placed under the so called protection of the state because we do not know how to pay the Piper. This is an absolutely lie, as the state cannot steal from Heaven what belongs to Heaven.
Without Inno-Sense, what is the purpose of a town? What is the purpose of a world? Yet, this is where our world is being led. Come on people, wake up.
The Royalty of Inno-Sense of this world was stolen and hidden away thousands of years ago in an attempt to gain control of our world. This crime was so vile, a Universal Plan was devised at the moment it occurred to undo this crime, and return our world to the people. The unfolding of this Plan would take thousands of years. We have moved into the time period when the restoration of the Kingdom, or our world, would be restored to the people. But we are't going anywhere without our Inno-Sense.
Who would leave a child behind if they were going on a vacation, never mind a dimensional journey across time? Yet this is what is occurring. We are the adults of this world. We have consciously grown up into a very fearful world. Would we leave our Inno-Sense behind to face this fearful dream alone? Yet, when we leave this world, the children will be left to figure it out for themselves. The debt that they are being left with is too great for them to pay. It is time for us to take the hand of the child so they can lead us Home. Heaven is waiting for the return of the Children. We are the ones response-able for recognizing that our OWN Inno-Sense is lost in a hellish nightmare and need an conscious adult to lead them Home. We are the hero of the dream where our Inno-Sense remains asleep in terror. We will not awaken until our Inno-Sense is show the way Home. Do you really think Heaven would welcome you without your Inno-Sense?
As we continue to make plans for our escape into a better world, remember this; the founding of a New World will require our Inno-Sense to define a global foundation to built a New World upon.
A New World needs dimensional structure and it needs dimensional order. We do not assign this, as it is beyond our physical ability to understand what this is. We build with blocks and things. These are material things that can and will be destroyed. We have to begin at the beginning, not at the end. If you want to understand the spiritual history of our world, quit looking in physical history books, and stop listening to science. They DO NOT understand how to create a New World from the foundation up.
The Inno-Sense of Heaven is the Light Foundation for all dimensional structure, not what we believe we understand. Understanding how the Universe builds a dimensional structure will not come through us until we release the internal Innocent Foundation necessary to create said world. We need our Inno-Sense to begin rebuilding our world.....release the inner child so they can lead us to this New World.
The time for game playing is over. Wake up.
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The Bondage of Inno-Sense
The very idea of a child being placed in bondage is deplorable. Yet, because of our inability to use reason and logically assess situations as children, we are unconsciously set up to become adult slaves.
Doing anything comes from experience. When doing is tempered with force or manipulation, it becomes bondage.
When we are born, we come with a clean slate, ready to learn how to do. As it is impossible to do anything without a body, doing becomes a primary focus for us. In the beginning, doing what comes naturally comes from crying to get what we want. Then, as we move forward in our infancy, we learn that smiling is also rewarding, as it enhances the inner feelings of joy that we were born with.
Fast forward to the time when we were doing something that a parent or an adult did not want us to do. Even though what we were doing was a natural expression of how we felt, in our innocence, we were admonished, in a not so kind way, to "stop doing that!" Because it is basically impossible to be corrected in our world without doing something, the lesson we learned was that we could be controlled because of our doing something that someone else did not like.
Fast forward again to the time that you were told to clean your room. If you cleaned your room, you would receive a reward (allowance) for your work, or for what you do. Or, you could not go out and play until your room was clean. Is this not a lesson that teaches a monetary reward for working? And, is this not a lesson that teaches bondage? You cannot do what you want to do until you do your work. If your mom was like my mom, your room was never cleaned good enough. I always felt like I needed to do more, If I could only do it right, then I would be free from the feeling of being imperfect. Is this not bondage?.
Our parents are here to teach us appropriate behavior. Cleaning our room is appropriate behavior. Behavior is not good or bad until we learn it is possible to do something that will assign us a good or bad title. Once we learn we can alter our spiritual expression by doing something, we unconsciously assign what we do as our personal bondage. Finding and doing work that provides the monetary reward becomes more important than what is good for the soul. This is bondage. Bondage cramps the creative spirit, and also places our creative expression in bondage. Corporations can now buy our spiritual potential for a fist full of dollars. When this occurs, our spirit is in bondage.
What we do is not who we are. We are emotional beings, and our physical doing nature cannot define us. Any time that our physical expression to work to make a living, is placed over our natural creative expression, we are in bondage. This bondage not only teaches inappropriate behavior, it also imprisons our creative spirit. When what we do is an expression of our creative spirit, we are in alignment with our highest unlimited potential.
If we do not pay our taxes, we will get into trouble with the law. In our childhood, the law was our parents, our educational teachers, or any individual in authority. This includes the people our parents told us to obey.
We learned that when we went to the store, if we did not have the money to buy what we wanted, then we would have to work hard until we got the money. This is bondage. Working to have what we want comes from a past decision we learned in childhood. This is not how it really is. We have been taught something that is so far from the truth, it will take a miracle too straighten this mess out.
When we learn to place money first, then we will have to do whatever is necessary to gain the freedom to express what we want. This is bondage and slavery. This message is so ingrained in us as a society, there is not one aspect of our collective understanding that has not been contaminated by it. It is all a lie, and it is impossible to create a global economy on a lie.
Our memories have been contaminated by the fear of bondage. Undoing these past memories calls on us to deal with the lessons we learned in childhood. This is the next step in conscious evolution.
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Doing anything comes from experience. When doing is tempered with force or manipulation, it becomes bondage.
When we are born, we come with a clean slate, ready to learn how to do. As it is impossible to do anything without a body, doing becomes a primary focus for us. In the beginning, doing what comes naturally comes from crying to get what we want. Then, as we move forward in our infancy, we learn that smiling is also rewarding, as it enhances the inner feelings of joy that we were born with.
Fast forward to the time when we were doing something that a parent or an adult did not want us to do. Even though what we were doing was a natural expression of how we felt, in our innocence, we were admonished, in a not so kind way, to "stop doing that!" Because it is basically impossible to be corrected in our world without doing something, the lesson we learned was that we could be controlled because of our doing something that someone else did not like.
Fast forward again to the time that you were told to clean your room. If you cleaned your room, you would receive a reward (allowance) for your work, or for what you do. Or, you could not go out and play until your room was clean. Is this not a lesson that teaches a monetary reward for working? And, is this not a lesson that teaches bondage? You cannot do what you want to do until you do your work. If your mom was like my mom, your room was never cleaned good enough. I always felt like I needed to do more, If I could only do it right, then I would be free from the feeling of being imperfect. Is this not bondage?.
Our parents are here to teach us appropriate behavior. Cleaning our room is appropriate behavior. Behavior is not good or bad until we learn it is possible to do something that will assign us a good or bad title. Once we learn we can alter our spiritual expression by doing something, we unconsciously assign what we do as our personal bondage. Finding and doing work that provides the monetary reward becomes more important than what is good for the soul. This is bondage. Bondage cramps the creative spirit, and also places our creative expression in bondage. Corporations can now buy our spiritual potential for a fist full of dollars. When this occurs, our spirit is in bondage.
What we do is not who we are. We are emotional beings, and our physical doing nature cannot define us. Any time that our physical expression to work to make a living, is placed over our natural creative expression, we are in bondage. This bondage not only teaches inappropriate behavior, it also imprisons our creative spirit. When what we do is an expression of our creative spirit, we are in alignment with our highest unlimited potential.
If we do not pay our taxes, we will get into trouble with the law. In our childhood, the law was our parents, our educational teachers, or any individual in authority. This includes the people our parents told us to obey.
We learned that when we went to the store, if we did not have the money to buy what we wanted, then we would have to work hard until we got the money. This is bondage. Working to have what we want comes from a past decision we learned in childhood. This is not how it really is. We have been taught something that is so far from the truth, it will take a miracle too straighten this mess out.
When we learn to place money first, then we will have to do whatever is necessary to gain the freedom to express what we want. This is bondage and slavery. This message is so ingrained in us as a society, there is not one aspect of our collective understanding that has not been contaminated by it. It is all a lie, and it is impossible to create a global economy on a lie.
Our memories have been contaminated by the fear of bondage. Undoing these past memories calls on us to deal with the lessons we learned in childhood. This is the next step in conscious evolution.
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Inno-Sense is the Global Living Thread
We are all born with Inno-Sense. It is the loss of Inno-Sense that has kept the world in constant peril. The greatest legacy that we can leave to the world is understanding what Inno-Sense is.
There is a wisdom that is so ancient, it is impossible to understand. This wisdom bubbles up inside my mind, and is transported into time in the form of an infant.
This ancient wisdom is called Inno-Sense. It is Inno-Sense that carries the wisdom of Heaven into this world, and it is the wisdom of a child that carries everything that is necessary to heal the world. There are scatterings of this ancient wisdom throughout time that we can still bear witness to. This is seen in the turns of the seasons, the wisdom of nature and the innocence of a child.
These scatterings througout time alone do not hold enough power to offer the healing of the world. Something else is needed. This something else is the link that unites all of these scattered pieces of wisdom together. This link is the idea of love and is found in the mind of every person who walks this earth. This link is called Whole Love. It is thus to the idea of Whole Love that we must turn to allow Inno-Sense to flourish once again in time, for without Inno-Sense all life will perish.
When a person re-connects to Whole Love, and begins to disconnect from the boundaries and barriers that time and space sets on the individual mind, it begins to connect to another Source that is powerful enough to move the forces of nature and gentle enough to cradle a child's Inno-Sense.
As a person searches for this ancient source of wisdom, a pattern begins to emerge. This pattern is revealed each time the mind is freed from a past perceived hurt, or pain that is left on the soul as a bleeding wound.
Each step taken towards ancient wisdom becomes a golden thread that binds together the fallen Inno-Sense that is scattered about in this world. Althought it seems to be something else, it is this ancient connection will save the world. This is because, there is nothing else. If there were something else to seek for, then love would be a lie and all of the betrayal and pain found in the world would be the truth.
Connecting to Inno-Sense unites us to the ancient wisdom found in Heaven. Heaven cannot unite with what it does not know, but we can align our mind with Inno-Sense letting go of the past betrayal and pain that has replaced Inno-Sense. We cannot pursue a new way of thinking until the old way is given up as something not wanted.
We think we already know, but do we understand how the seasons change? Why the Inno-Sense of a child is still so precious? The wisdom of these things is what is worth pursuing, yet we get caught up in the "wisdom of the world" which teaches us we are something we are not. No wonder there is so much treachery and pain that we believe will somehow fix the future. What kind of a future would be fixed with treachery and pain? Would we really want to live in this kind of world? The constant demand that we become something we are not eventually overwhelms every mind that makes such a demand. The intensity that this strain causes is seen and played out on the faces of those that walk this world and on the face of those that makes such a request.
Our next challenge is not world peace, conquering outer space, feeding the world or global warming. It is not protecting the environment or the world economy. The next challenge that we must accept is preserving something that we all are born with, and is re-introduced into the world each time a child passes the threshold from eternity into time and space. This trait that is so cherished in our children is called Inno-Sense. This is the challenge for this millennium; how do we maintain and keep the quality of Inno-Sense in our children, while bringing them up and teaching them to become physical beings?
Spirit, by nature, is defined by Inno-Sense. If we can keep our children innocent, they will heal the world. They can teach the world how to love again without being threatened, for what they carry into the threshold of time is unconditional Whole Love.
What children learn in the physical realm is that it is not safe to love unconditionally. This is fear and can only be learned in time. This is the same fear that threatens the existence of the world; nothing else. In the physical realm there is a strong tendency to believe that being physical is the greatest expression of Spirit. Being physical is not a means to an end, unless it is death. And the body is not the final expression of the Spirit, or the final way Spirit can be express itself.. Instead, the body is just one avenue of expression of the Spirit. Being physical should be a blend of the Spirit, which is soft and yielding as Inno-Sense is the the Spirit. The Glory of the Spirit is not found in the body, it is defined in Inno-Sense.
A true holy encounter reveals the Inno-Sense that each one of us still holds, and it is beheld by the one looking through Innocent eyes. Inno-Sense is a gift from Heaven, and Heaven never takes back what has been given freely. The miracle restores our Inno-Sense, and it is the gift that is being extended to humankind from the Heavens to help us remember what the rest of creation already knows.
Take my hand and help me gather the wisdom of Inno-Sense that is tossed about in the world. Let us join together in a new kind of understanding that brings us back to the simplicity of life. This is not naive' innocence, but whole honestry and perfect Love.
All of the harsh undertakings found in the world is simply a futile attempt to make a statement that screams; "I am not the Inno-Sense that lies scattered about in time. I am greater than this." But there is nothing greater than this, because in this world, there is nothing else. The wisdom of the world is merely nothing because it does not contain a drop of innocence that a child offers to the world every time one is born.
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What is Inno-Sense?
The Inno-Sense Identity is written in the Universe. Unlike the paper identity that ascribes paper meaning to a innocence, the Identity of Inno-Sense is marked with Universal Royalty. It is this Royalty Identity that allows this Child to be recognized as the One that will be-come a Universal Co-Creator.
Innocence is taught how to assign paper value to everything in the material world. This is because of the paper identity that has been passed down from generation to generation. Because all innocence is taught that its identity comes from paper value, this child will grow up to be a slave to the paper codes that have been enforced upon it. As the child matures, they will seek to establish their paper identity by working hard for paper because that is what is expected of them. They will learn to obey paper laws, because this is also what is expected of them. They will sign paper contracts and paper agreements, which they will be expected to uphold and honor. This is despite the fact that they ones making the paper laws, contracts, and agreements do not abide by the same honor and integrity values that the innocence has that has become an adult is supposed to.
By contrast, because Inno-Sense is recognized as Universal Royalty, Inno-Sense Royalty was Created to be served. There is no-thing in the whole Universe that does not serve the Royalty of Inno-Sense.
Just as a paper identity defines the innocence in the physical world, Inno-Sense is also Identified by an unseen force of Universal Magnitude. This is called Free Will.
Free Will allows royal privleges throughout the whole Universe. These privleges are not granted to other Universal beings. The primary privilege given to Inno-Sense is the ability to consciously direct the Living Unseen Force within the Universal Abstract Mind towards a specific dimensional purpose. In other words, Free will allows the One with a Royal Identity to become One with a Conscious Galactic Force to direct a Universal Creative Frequency towards a specific function that can be identified as living form. This ability comes from a Living Sound or Frequency that Inno-Sense receives upon their conception.
However, the One with Free Will must learn this, as Free Will is only a potential until their Inno-Sense matures. In linear time, which is understood in years, defining this ability would take thousands of years. However, it is the innocence that walks the paper linear timeline that learns that their life is restricted to living life in years, whereas Inno-Sense is Created with the Inner-Sense of a journey, not defined in years, but rather in distance.
Distance is defined as a Season. The Season that is required for Inno-Sense to mature into a wholly consciously defined Universal Co-Creator requires a Season. Just as the saying goes, it takes a village to raise a child in the physical world, the whole Universe is involved in making sure Inno-Sense reaches consciously and wholly defined maturity. This ensures that Inno-Sense is perfectly aware of Their status of being a Co-Creator, and just what this entails.
For thousands of years, the Inno-Sense born into this world have been indoctrinated into a paper identity, while their Universal Royalty is being used to place their free will in bondage. The error that placed Inno-Sense in bondage began thousands of years ago. The story of Genesis that defines when this occurred is how the Inno-Sense of the people who occupy this world ended up serving a paper god.
This is a story that has never been accurately told, as it has always been confused with the paper that physical history has been written on. It is obvious that what is written on paper is not in the best interest of the people, as a paper identity might promote. The paper identity is a fraud, and it is a deceptive measure to keep the Inno-Sense in free will in bondage to the paper that identifies it as belonging to the material world.
This is a story that has never been accurately told, as it has always been confused with the paper that physical history has been written on. It is obvious that what is written on paper is not in the best interest of the people, as a paper identity might promote. The paper identity is a fraud, and it is a deceptive measure to keep the Inno-Sense in free will in bondage to the paper that identifies it as belonging to the material world.
The people who live in this world were given Free Will upon their birth. A Living Breath was received upon their birth, which identified them as being a Universal Co-Creator. The problem is, as the individual matured, they were indoctrinated into the paper identity that the received at the time of their physical birth. The question now becomes, which is the identity that you will choose, as they were both received at your birth.
While the one that Identifies you as being a Universal Co-creator with Spiritual Royalty, which came from the Omniscient Mind, the other identifies you as only possessing as much value as a piece of paper. This is a piece of paper that can be bought and sold. This is the piece of paper that identifies you as being a slave to a much lower currency of understanding.
We are entering a time when we will be required to choose which identity we want. Whichever one we choose is the one that wlll direct us towards either on a Journey through a Whole Season of New Understanding of our Identity, or we can continue moving down the same path on a linear timeline that only ends in death.
These are the only 2 choices we have left in this world. One will lead everlasting happiness, health, and abundance. The other will keep the individual in bondage to their paper identity. It is time to begin to consider carefully the next step you might want to take.
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