The Inno-Sense Identity is written in the Universe. Unlike the paper identity that ascribes paper meaning to a innocence, the Identity of Inno-Sense is marked with Universal Royalty. It is this Royalty Identity that allows this Child to be recognized as the One that will be-come a Universal Co-Creator.
Innocence is taught how to assign paper value to everything in the material world. This is because of the paper identity that has been passed down from generation to generation. Because all innocence is taught that its identity comes from paper value, this child will grow up to be a slave to the paper codes that have been enforced upon it. As the child matures, they will seek to establish their paper identity by working hard for paper because that is what is expected of them. They will learn to obey paper laws, because this is also what is expected of them. They will sign paper contracts and paper agreements, which they will be expected to uphold and honor. This is despite the fact that they ones making the paper laws, contracts, and agreements do not abide by the same honor and integrity values that the innocence has that has become an adult is supposed to.
By contrast, because Inno-Sense is recognized as Universal Royalty, Inno-Sense Royalty was Created to be served. There is no-thing in the whole Universe that does not serve the Royalty of Inno-Sense.
Just as a paper identity defines the innocence in the physical world, Inno-Sense is also Identified by an unseen force of Universal Magnitude. This is called Free Will.
Free Will allows royal privleges throughout the whole Universe. These privleges are not granted to other Universal beings. The primary privilege given to Inno-Sense is the ability to consciously direct the Living Unseen Force within the Universal Abstract Mind towards a specific dimensional purpose. In other words, Free will allows the One with a Royal Identity to become One with a Conscious Galactic Force to direct a Universal Creative Frequency towards a specific function that can be identified as living form. This ability comes from a Living Sound or Frequency that Inno-Sense receives upon their conception.
However, the One with Free Will must learn this, as Free Will is only a potential until their Inno-Sense matures. In linear time, which is understood in years, defining this ability would take thousands of years. However, it is the innocence that walks the paper linear timeline that learns that their life is restricted to living life in years, whereas Inno-Sense is Created with the Inner-Sense of a journey, not defined in years, but rather in distance.
Distance is defined as a Season. The Season that is required for Inno-Sense to mature into a wholly consciously defined Universal Co-Creator requires a Season. Just as the saying goes, it takes a village to raise a child in the physical world, the whole Universe is involved in making sure Inno-Sense reaches consciously and wholly defined maturity. This ensures that Inno-Sense is perfectly aware of Their status of being a Co-Creator, and just what this entails.
For thousands of years, the Inno-Sense born into this world have been indoctrinated into a paper identity, while their Universal Royalty is being used to place their free will in bondage. The error that placed Inno-Sense in bondage began thousands of years ago. The story of Genesis that defines when this occurred is how the Inno-Sense of the people who occupy this world ended up serving a paper god.
This is a story that has never been accurately told, as it has always been confused with the paper that physical history has been written on. It is obvious that what is written on paper is not in the best interest of the people, as a paper identity might promote. The paper identity is a fraud, and it is a deceptive measure to keep the Inno-Sense in free will in bondage to the paper that identifies it as belonging to the material world.
This is a story that has never been accurately told, as it has always been confused with the paper that physical history has been written on. It is obvious that what is written on paper is not in the best interest of the people, as a paper identity might promote. The paper identity is a fraud, and it is a deceptive measure to keep the Inno-Sense in free will in bondage to the paper that identifies it as belonging to the material world.
The people who live in this world were given Free Will upon their birth. A Living Breath was received upon their birth, which identified them as being a Universal Co-Creator. The problem is, as the individual matured, they were indoctrinated into the paper identity that the received at the time of their physical birth. The question now becomes, which is the identity that you will choose, as they were both received at your birth.
While the one that Identifies you as being a Universal Co-creator with Spiritual Royalty, which came from the Omniscient Mind, the other identifies you as only possessing as much value as a piece of paper. This is a piece of paper that can be bought and sold. This is the piece of paper that identifies you as being a slave to a much lower currency of understanding.
We are entering a time when we will be required to choose which identity we want. Whichever one we choose is the one that wlll direct us towards either on a Journey through a Whole Season of New Understanding of our Identity, or we can continue moving down the same path on a linear timeline that only ends in death.
These are the only 2 choices we have left in this world. One will lead everlasting happiness, health, and abundance. The other will keep the individual in bondage to their paper identity. It is time to begin to consider carefully the next step you might want to take.
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