Living Color is the Living Art Forms we were to add to the world. This Living Art would have come through our Inno-Sense, or our Free Will Expression. The problem began when our Inno-Sense was defiled by a deception of Universal proportion. It has taken thousands of years to reach a perfect space in time where it would be possible to understand this, and then make the corrections necessary.
Black is the Color of Guilt
Linear time has come to an end. The gaps that were introduced at the time of the separation have become so large that the Light filtering into our world to support Living Color is renow gone. This is the End of the Inno-Sense.
There was a time when an empty space was filled with Living possibilities. Abstract Living Color filled these empty spaces with Light that had not yet taken form. This was the purpose of Inno-Sense, to learn how to fill empty spaces of Light with Living Color.
The Living Abstract Color that we once had access to has long been forgotten. The Natural Ability to Color in an empty space with a Living Season is not even a memory. Now, only darkness fills these empty spaces with a black cloud of guilt. If only we could remember.
The joy that was our Inno-Sense was traded for guilt. We have been manipulated throughout time through our personal guilt to believe that where there was once Light, there is only a guilty darkness. This is where the haunting sound of hell is remembered, but it is not there. The haunting sound in the guilty black hole is the sound of our OWN Inno-Sense calling to us through the darkness.
We do not recognize the Innocent Sound because it has been covered in time with the haunting sound of guilt. This is not Who We Are, but we believe it is what we did.
Everywhere we look in our world, we see evidence of our guilt. We have trained the bodies eyes to see what is not there. What we see is what we have made to fill in the dark holes. We have stopped questioning the black guilt that weighs heavy in time, and trust that what we see is real. It is not. It is an illusion.
We believe we can see what is not there. We see with eyes that have been trained to see what is not there. The limitation of our vision is due to the unnatural consequences of a deception that began thousands of years ago.
This deception distorted the accuracy of our Vision of Inno-Sense. One bad decision led to another, and then another, until it was impossible to tell what is the truth. The decision to see through the tunnel vision of a body has taken us deep into a Universal conspiracy designed to make us uncertain of our reality. The fearful consequences of our past actions keep us trapped in what we do not understand. This is not how it is supposed to be.
We do not see what guilt is doing in time because we see through the eyes that have been trained to see guilt; our guilt. The shadow of guilt was designed to draw labels and false witnesses against each other to enslave us by undermining our Universal Rights. The illusion that we live in, and claim to be our world, has served an unholy purpose for thousands of years, but it is time for a reckoning. It is time to set it all straight. It is time to reclaim what belongs to us. It is time to reclaim the empty space and introduce the Living Color that we forgot about a long, long time ago. It is time to begin again.
The dark gap that we have been taught is real, has a better purpose. The gap can be re-purposed. Its value can be restored by the Living Light of Miracles. The steps taken towards re-purposing the darkness in time can be exchanged for a Season that Miracles will provide. This will be called A Season of Miracles.
A Season of Miracles will Cause the desert will bloom again. The Peace that was unbroken before guilt stole our Inno-Sense away, will once again return, and Living Art that we create will once again fill the Earth. All of this and more is being offered to us.
We the people have been given the ability to unlock creation and fill the empty space in time. When we forgot how to Create with Living Color, we just forgot how to fill in the empty spaces, but we can reclaim this empty space. The Universe has a Plan to help us reclaim the empty space where guilt now resides, but we have to make a revolutionary choice that will disrupt everything we believe about ourselves, our world, and our relationship to time.
Are you up for the challenge?
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