Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Inno-Sense and Responsibility

When you were a child, do you remember being punished for something you did? How about for something that you did not do? How about if someone perpetrated an action against you that was not in your best interest, but was in fact a deed that left you reacting in such a way that violated your inner sense of well being?

It is a fact, children accept responsibility for things that they have no control over. They also are blamed for many things that they did not do, or were not alone in. They may be bullied, and they may be considered "not normal" according to standards that our world defines as acceptable. If this is the case, then their "actions" are not going to be in alignment with what is considered a proper "reaction" when faced with conditions that other people respond to in a so called "normal" way.

Ok, now let's fast forward the life of a child to an adult. This is important, because children actually grow up to be adults. The problem with growing up to be an adult is the principle behind the action and reaction conditions that set the adult up for failure when the child was learning to understand the conditions of action, reaction, and responsibility. If the premise behind action, reaction, and responsibility are not looked at from a mature perspective, the adult will continue to react according to what they learned to understand as a child.

Reaction for a child is not based on what they do. It is based on their emotional response, or their emotional responsibility. A child's emotional response is how they accept response-ability for their actions, because this is all they have to give. A child's emotional response is not in any way shape or form based on someone else's reaction until the reaction of another interfere's with the child natural response to what they are doing.

In other words, a child will not understand that what they are doing is wrong without an emotional response to what they are doing. Once an unhealthy child's emotional response becomes attached to external action and reaction, this will continue to be played out in the life of the child, even into adulthood. Anytime an emotion is attached to external understanding, this will become real in the life of the individual. Any action that is remembered, will become an unwelcomed emotional reaction. This will show up in the adult body as fear, anxiety, stress, anger, sadness, guilt, disappointment, and the list goes on. The adult will probably attempt to project the responsibility of this emotional upset onto someone else. This can hardly be defined as maturity, nor can it be defined as a reaction that makes whole sense.

How a child emotionally responds to the reaction of someone else, usually a parent or adult, once understood and accepted as a reaction to what the child has done, becomes the means for the basis of their foundation for personal psychological growth and emotional development. Unless and until this response is corrected, it will continue being a reaction in the life of the individual, even until death. There is NO WAY out of this emotional reaction, unless the consciously mature adult learns to respond to the child to undo the original trauma.

In essence, a child will accept emotional response-ability for the emotional feelings surrounding what has been done in the past. It does not even mean that they child did anything. Once the child has become emotionally involved in anything that is being done externally, they will attach their emotional understanding to this event, and all future emotional understanding that emerges that stirs this emotional upset in them, the emotional impact of this event will be replayed. This is how a child understands and accepts response-ability; an emotional reaction that repeats over and over again.

If you believe you are free of the past emotional upsets, when you exchanged your higher emotional response-ability for a lower emotional doing reaction, I can assure you that you are not. If you were free of them, you would not be living in this world, and you would not be living on a linear timeline.

Most of the emotional upsets we reacted to as a child have been placed on a memory shelf in our mind. They do not awaken until there is an external emotional upset, which will will react to in ways that an adult would never react. This is because it is the reaction of a child.

Children have not concept of time. This is something they must learn. The linear timeline lessons are learned first be the reaction of others. We are the recipient of these lessons, or we learn them by watching others adult reactions to the actions of others. When adult do not accept response-ability for their actions, it is because they are reacting as a child. If someone else is reacting to the actions of another when this action does not even involve them, it is because of something they have learned in the past that has not been resolved in them.

All individual emotional content, when it involves the action and reaction of body doing comes from what we have learned in the past. This is judgment, and it has nothing to do with accepting emotional response-ability for our actions, or the actions of another.

Because our emotional well being, or Inno-Sense, has been trapped in a linear experience that just keeps repeating over and over again, a way had to be made to help us find our way out of this emotional entrapment. This would allow us to move off of the linear timeline, and bring us up to date in time. This would not change how we intellectually define reality, or our responsibility for action and reaction. However, what it will do is change our emotional response. 

This emotional shift is called The Miracle Response. The Miracle Response Shift is so profound, it has the ability, not only to shift personal understanding, but also to begin the process of shifting the very emotional foundation of our whole world. Because our emotional well being was disrupted by an inappropriate reaction before it had the chance to mature into a wholly loving adult, it is essential that we as conscious adult return to the scene of the emotional crime to Respond with a Miracle.

The Living Water Frequencies are designed to help the individual identify the emotional crimes that was perpetrated against their Inno-Sense when they were children. This is not blame, as those who perpetrated these crimes we also victims.

Because the Living Water Frequencies cannot move through these emotional blocks, they will come up in the external world for us to look at, and they will be intense. The emotional intensity of the problem is how the child emotionally reacted to the first external situation that caused them to shift their conscious allegiance to a limited external existence.

The limited external existence that we have all been conditioned to believe is real has nothing to do with reality. It is a lie. Until our emotional Inno-Sense is emotional secure in Wholeness, we will continue to maintain an external existence that is trapped in a 3rd dimensional unreality of limitation and deprivation. This is not how it is supposed to be.

What we see in this world is determined by our emotional well being. Our ability to analyze the external world is distorted by our emotional reactions. Our external reactions are triggered by what we believe we can see. What we can see has been emotionally projected onto the world. It is NOT there. This is a childish nightmare. WAKE UP.

Instead of blame, be willing to accept a Miracle Response to the emotional unreality that the inner child is experiencing. It is not real.

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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

There Are No Little Upsets

We have been told that most of our personality is formed by the time we are 5 yrs old. I ask you, which personality is this? Is this our emotional personality? or is it the one that has intellectually altered our emotions to fit more acceptably into an intellectual society? We have become geniuses as covering up our emotional upsets with intellectual understanding and explanations.

What happens when we intellectually block the emotional Fruits of the Spirit, which amounts to our personal access to Love, joy, goodness, gentleness, happiness, and the like? Do these emotions just die, or are they buried alive inside of us? 

What happens when you bury a Fruit of the Spirit within the folds of the body? First of all, the purpose of the emotion of one of these Spiritual Fruits is to wholly express itself by moving out into the world in to express itself in joyous gratitude and Love. This is in fact the Grace and the Holy Grail that we have been seeking for thousands of years, and all the time it was buried.....in us.
We have been sent here for a specific purpose. This purpose does not have to do with fixing the world; it has to do with releasing the Fruits of the Spirit that have become encased in the dense folds of the body. Without releasing the Fruits of the Spirit that we are holding captive in our body, under the guise of fear, we will never see the Kingdom of God. This Kingdom comes through us. 

When Spiritual Fruits get hung up in body fear, this is called the inner child. Living Fruits that come from Source ARE HIS CHILDREN. As adults, we are consciously response-able for releasing these trapped inner children, or Spiritual Fruits, so they can finish what they came here for.

Now, I know that to the intellect this makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. But this information is not for the intellect to analyze; it is for us to consciously become aware of. Any attempts that are given to the intellect to analyze the Fruits of the Spirit, or the inner child, will in fact alter the natural flow necessary for the Plan for the Salvation of the World. This will not stop the Plan, but it will hinder the individual who is seeking to provide higher justice for their inner child, and for the world at large. The intellect is concerned with paper justice, not Higher Justice. We are being asked to understand consciously, not intellectually.

Every scrap of information we have goes to the intellect for analysis because this is how we have been taught to think, but there is another way. By releasing the inner child, this other way will begin to reveal itself to us; not from someone else, but from our OWN Spiritual Fruits that we have released. 

Thoughts DO NOT leave their source. If there was any time we thought with Spiritual Fruits, they still belong to us, When they are released, they will extend and increase in value, and then return to the THINKER and give the extended and increased value. This Giver is you. This is our Gift to the world. This is why we are here.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

When Self Doubt Begins

Doubting self value begins at an early age. All that has to happen for a child to doubt their worth is an off handed remark that makes the child question what they look like or what they did. I had one
man tell me that when she got her hair cut she always made sure she got bangs. I asked her why, and she said because when she was in 7th grade a friend told her that her forehead was too big not to have bangs. The woman was in her 40's, so I said to her; let me get this right. When you were in 7th grade a girlfriend, who you do not even remember her name now, told you that you had to wear bangs because your forehead was too big. I asked her if she thought this girl remembered what she said to her in 7th grade, and she said no, yet she was still carrying this reference around as if it were real. After a moment she recognized the insanity of this and immediately let it go.

Whether we know it or not, we all carry these impressions in our mind and reference them over and over again as if they were truth. Our mind is full of false references, and the only one who these ideas make sense to is us. The reason we never question them is because we believe in them and support them through our actions. If we looked at these, we would recognize that more than half of what we believe in is not true or even real. The world we live in is indeed insane because it is governed by people who are carrying around beliefs that no longer work, and no longer have any meaning. This is the historical past that is used for religious wars and persecution, racial bigotry, and even simple arguments between neighbors. It is time to begin to question the beliefs we carry in our mind. It is time to set aside the hate and violence we believe has value. This false value died a long time ago. Let it go.

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Saturday, April 16, 2016

Being Saved from Guilt

Guilt is not something we were born with. We were born with Inno-Sense. In this world, guilt is the opposite of Inno-Sense, but in truth, there is no opposite to Inno-Sense, except that guilt was made up to protect against this truth.

Guilt is what we learn through behavior that is not appropriate from someone else who has learned guilt through behavior that was thought to be inappropriate from someone else who learned guilt. What kind of insanity is this?

In reality, guilt does not exist. In other words, if an individual attempts to take their guilt outside of the linear time zone that has been designed to hold guilt as a reality, this guilty idea is ignored because it HAS NO truth connected to it. Thus, if an individual looks to be punished, or to find a way for someone else to be punished, what they are asking for is virtually impossible in higher realms.

Looking at this from another perspective, the ego wants to punish, and wants to be punished. The ego was born out of the insane idea that it was possible to be guilty instead of innocent. So, as a society, we can continue to persecute the guilty ego, or we can find the reason why we turned over our Inno-Sense to guilt for persecution, or punishment. 

Make no mistake, if you are looking through guilty eyes, if you are not guilty, then someone else is. The punishment for guilt is always ego persecution. The will demand this. As long as the individual consciously agrees with the ego, Inno-Sense will hide in darkness.

I have been a witness to this over and over. The ego will attempt to keep its guilt by pronouncing that someone has to pay for their so called crime. It knows that without the false sensation of body fear, which is brought about by guilt, it would no long exist. As long as the individual is consciously deceived into continuing to believe this non-sense is how long the individual will stay trapped in their own private hell.

Restoring the dignity of Inno-Sense to the individual means that the individual must be willing to go back to the exact instant when they invested in and accepted guilt over their Inno-Sense. The reason people do not do this is because the ego is very deceptive. I have witnessed the deceptions of the ego while attempting to help someone restore their Inno-Sense. If I ask them a specific question, which would lead to the time when their Inno-Sense was exchanged for guilt, the ego will find a way to dodge the question. In an attempt to make an ally through me, the ego will show me the reason that guilt is real. Yet, how can there be a reason for guilt if it is not real?

Make no mistake; the ego does not want you to consciously discover your Inno-Sense that has been buried inside of your guilt, or to see Inno-Sense in anyone else. If it did, it knows that this would be its end.

The reason that unburying our Inno-Sense is fearful is because the ego is fearful. If you feel fear, this is of the ego, not your Inno-Sense. Inno-Sense is not naturally fearful, although body fear is an unnatural occurrence that stems from guilt.

For a long time, I did not believe that there was anyway out of the unhappy mess that was referred to as my life, until I began to unbury my Inno-Sense. Up until now, this has been the road less taken, but for me it has made all the difference.

Several years ago, I was given the inner vision to see the machinations of the ego. How it works, what it does to deceive, how it blames, and how it controls individuals. When I am in a session with someone, I use this Gift that I have been given to help restore the individual Inno-Sense. I know when the ego is lying, and the ego knows. This scares the hell out of the ego, as it knows I am going to expose its lies, and restore Inno-Sense. Make no doubt about it; when the individual is ready, the ego is afraid because it knows its control over you is about to be shaken.

I am an advocate for your Inno-Sense. I am an advocate for global Inno-Sense. It is through releasing your Inno-Sense that the world will be saved. This is the only Plan for the Salvation of the world that will work. By releasing your Inno-Sense, you release the whole world from guilt.

Until you, the individual, recognizes that you are the victim of a guilty illusion that uses guilty behavior learned in the past to consciously control you, I will continue to speak these words of truth. Until your Inno-Sense is released, the world will continue to be governed by a guilty lie. Choose again.

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Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The Impact of Trauma on Inno-Sense

In our world, we place more emphasis on the brain than we do on the heart. This is because we trust the brain, but the heart is another matter. We do not trust our heart to reveal our truth to us. The question is why?

While the brain is an intellectual sensing organ, our heart is an innocent living memory. We brought this memory into our world to save it. But we have forgotten the message. This message of truth that we are response-able for delivering has been emotionally fragmented by body trauma and fear.
The blood that moves through the heart carries communication from all of the organs in the body. The organs are filled with memories of the past.

It is important to remember that all emotional memories stored at the mind/body level carry some kind of trauma. This is because the emotional body sorts out where an emotion should be stored, It is is a spiritual emotion, it is stored in wholeness. However, if it is a personal traumatic body memory, it is stored in the mind/body. This is because the wholeness of spirit will not accept personal emotional trauma as part of its reality. Thus, it is the heart that is stuck with attempting to manage past trauma.
Think about this; the mind/body carries thousands of scraps of useless information that circulates through the body every day. When our vision sees something external that upsets us, the heart goes into overdrive attempting to warn us of danger. But, if the trauma comes from the past, there is really no danger at all. The memory of the past is presenting a picture in the mind, which is being projected externally. Yes.....our mind is this powerful, but it is the heart that remembers.

An original traumatic memory that introduced fear into the heart, will not leave the body. Remembering that the mind is the most creative agent in the Universe, if you believe you can change the most creative agent in the Universe with positive thinking, well, it is going to take some time. First of all, before a problem can be dealt with, it must first be recognized. Most trauma occurs before the age of 5. Many of the traumatic incidences we encountered as children are forgotten, or swept aside. Yet inno-sense, or whole sensory perception, is how we sense our reality. Any trauma that upset us emotionally, psychologically, or physiologically will invite fear into the mind/body experience. It is impossible to escape this.

Once trauma has been introduced into the mind/body, the heart will begin the process of separating our senses into 5 separate body senses. This eliminates the 6th sense, which allows us access to the natural intuitive sense. It is this whole intuitive sense that connects us wholly to nature.
Nature is intuitive because it wholly relies on this natural ability. It gets along just fine without intellectualizing it. It is our intellectual interference that is the problem, not nature.

Our heart has lost its natural intuitive ability because it has learned to rely on the brain to intellectualize nature.instead of wholly sensing it. Really....what are we thinking?

The heart has not lost its inno-sense, but we have. We have exchanged whole hearted understanding for fragments of intellectual answers, which only keeps us questioning. Questions are an indication that we are not working from whole sensory perception, or heart felt Inno-Sense. Instead, we have accepted an intellectual interpretation that will always fail to offer a whole solution. Without a whole solution, more questions will always remain in our mind. Attempting to fill an emotional trauma with an intellectual solution is like using a pillow to jump start a car....pretty impossible. Yet, this is what is being done. If the people do not begin to see that all intellectual solutions are part of the original deception, they will continue to see a problem where non exists. The solution is to see that there is not a problem instead of trying to fix an illusion. Fill in the traumatic gap, as this is where the problem is. It is NOT in the body, or at the body level.

Now, it is time to restore emotional Inno-Sense to our heart by shifting how we perceive our world. The only way this is possible is by retraining the mind through miracle correction. Miracle correction shifts our mind from a fragmented intellectual solution, to a whole heart solution. Wisdom is of the heart, not the brain. The heart remembers the trauma, the brain does not. It was not fully formed or functional at the time of the trauma. Learn to listen instead of interpret what you believe you understand. Reality is not defined by the brain, it is defined in wholeness and in Love. The only place that this will occur within the body is within the heart.

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Friday, February 19, 2016

Inno-Sense and Sacred Ground

What defines Sacred Ground? The same question, but another way of asking is, what defines reality?
Can humankind redefine reality and make it "fit in" with what it wants to fit into? If this is the case, would this not be an attempt to limit the unlimited?

The separate category's that our world has attempted to make, so individuals could redefine the physical world into material property value, has failed miserably. The Universal time that has been allotted for this insane experiment is quickly coming to an end. We the people better find a way to get onto the same Universal Page, which defines higher property value, in unlimited terms. It begins with what has been recklessly redefined, misinterpreted, and misunderstood in our OWN youth.
If inno-sense can be defined as having eternal property value, it is also defined as Sacred Ground. This is the Sacred Ground that defined the Garden of Eden in the beginning. Once inno-sense had been defiled, the Sacred Ground where the Garden of Eden was located, the ones who defiled the Sacred Ground had to move out of it into an unreality of misunderstanding and misinformation.

Whereas before, the Sacred Ground yielded the unlimited understanding of the Universe, once access to the Sacred Ground had been lost people had to find a new source of property value. This false property value would supply the means to establish a so called material reality where understanding would be limited to expressing personal body advantage. This personal advantage would provide the material seeds that would define the world we live in today. Redefining the Earth to fit into false the new property value assignment, allowed the newly acquired contaminated mind set to redefine what was important. Soon enough, the Sacred Ground that housed Inno-Sense became obsolete in the mind of the people who lived in this society.

The artificially seeded materialistic world that we live in today is in direct violation of the Inno-Sense and wholeness necessary to create an unlimited society.

Our world continues to seek for what it does not understand. It is understanding that is the currency of the Universe, yet in our world we continue to seek for artificial material value. This understanding is within us. We were born with it. It is called Inno-Sense. If you ask an individual if they want riches, or the Sacred Ground that they were born on, chances are they would say they want material gain. Yet, material gain cannot afford the individual the unlimited understanding that they are entitled to. Inno-Sense must be restored to the people so their unlimited supply can be understood.

The purpose of the Universal Plan of 
One Wholeness Now is to restore Inno-Sense to the people, and thus return the people to the Sacred Ground that was so carelessly thrown away thousands of years ago. The Miracle Response happens when new questions that deal with internal understanding are asked.

It is time to find the Sacred Ground that belongs to our Inno-Sense. It is time to remember when we exchanged our eternal value for a fist full of paper.

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Monday, February 15, 2016

The Language of Innocence

Death is not a condition of life. Death opposes life. Because death opposes life, it is impossible for life and death to co-exist, yet in our world they do. So, what is the problem?

Body innocence is a physical symbol of the Higher Spiritual Truth found in Inno-Sense. Any time that Inno-Sense is led into temptation in physical form, it begins to identify with body innocence. As the higher truth in Inno-Sense begins to accept the body as its identity, it will take on the paper identity that was assigned to it at birth. As innocence begins to accept the physical experience as its true identity, there will be an identity crisis that begins to occur at the body level. This identity crisis will shift the chemistry at the cellular level, and begin to close off the Higher Identity that the Child was assign at birth.

In the physical world, this process is deemed necessary to protect innocence and keep them safe from predators. It is also deemed necessary to teach physical lessons that will instill fear at the very core of the emotional body. Innocence is also expected to learn the value of money, the value respect, even if it is obviously a violation of the higher values of Inno-Sense. Innocence is also taught that their physical responsibility to their material world is greater than their Inno-Sense responsibility to their Higher Identity.

Thus, the fruits of someone's labor to gain material comforts for the body, are deemed greater than the Fruits of the Spirit. Obviously, everyone understands what the material fruits of their physical labor is, but few understand what the Fruits of the Spirit are.

The Fruits of the Spirit relate to comfort, joy, happiness, goodness, gentleness, kindness, laughter, love, peace, trust, faith, and the list goes on. These are the emotions that keep our Inno-Sense in tact. Once Inno-Sense learns to ignore the Fruits of the Spirit, it shifts into the body identity. It is here where innocence can inaptly apply comfort to the body. Is it any wonder why there is so much addiction in our world? Is it any wonder why we live in a world that seeks for monetary rewards first.

As material gain is ingrained into innocence, the Inno-Sense Identity, which is our true identity, begins to be completely reconditioned into material based understanding. The whole world is hell bent on making sure this insanity takes place, as the structure of our global society is very, very sick.

This sickness can be identifies through body sickness, war sickness, environmental sickness, economic sickness, religious sickness, racial sickness, and the list goes on. As long as Inno-Sense is being trained to accept the body identity as its reality, innocence will continue to believe the foundation of our world is established of the Fear Based Intelligence that it has been fed.

The rotten fruits of body labor necessary to uphold a material world are nothing more than bondage that has been perpetrated in order to make the people of the world slaves. Come on people....WAKE UP.

Not one more instant should anyone sit by and continue to promote a material world through the paper identity they received at birth. Not one instant more should anyone who is reading this continue to believe that there is nothing more outside of the Higher Truth that we received at birth. This Higher Truth awaits us, not independently, but collectively. The whole world deserves this. Haven't we existed in hell alone long enough? Hasn't hell been projected into our world long enough? Isn't it time to try something new outside of the political arena that the material man offers? The Universe has its OWN Political agenda. Would't it be a better idea to find out what this is?

The Call to remember is open to everyone, but it is up to the individual to consciously address their own independent body identity issues. The first step MUST be taken by the independent body identity. The Universal Plan to help us remember our Real Identity will do most of the work for us, but until we take this first step, nothing is going to happen.

The journey back to our Inno-Sense will open new avenues of Self Discovery, which will lead to the Identity that was lost. It is our Inno-Sense that will provide the Seeds to define a whole New World. The steps necessary to shift from innocence to Inno-Sense will begin to reveal a world that has been lost in time. Isn't it time to let go of the old and accept the new. Once the individual identity is so sick and tired of being sick and tired, they will begin to ask new questions. These are the questions that must be asked to begin again. Isn't it time?

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