Tuesday, May 3, 2016

There Are No Little Upsets

We have been told that most of our personality is formed by the time we are 5 yrs old. I ask you, which personality is this? Is this our emotional personality? or is it the one that has intellectually altered our emotions to fit more acceptably into an intellectual society? We have become geniuses as covering up our emotional upsets with intellectual understanding and explanations.

What happens when we intellectually block the emotional Fruits of the Spirit, which amounts to our personal access to Love, joy, goodness, gentleness, happiness, and the like? Do these emotions just die, or are they buried alive inside of us? 

What happens when you bury a Fruit of the Spirit within the folds of the body? First of all, the purpose of the emotion of one of these Spiritual Fruits is to wholly express itself by moving out into the world in to express itself in joyous gratitude and Love. This is in fact the Grace and the Holy Grail that we have been seeking for thousands of years, and all the time it was buried.....in us.
We have been sent here for a specific purpose. This purpose does not have to do with fixing the world; it has to do with releasing the Fruits of the Spirit that have become encased in the dense folds of the body. Without releasing the Fruits of the Spirit that we are holding captive in our body, under the guise of fear, we will never see the Kingdom of God. This Kingdom comes through us. 

When Spiritual Fruits get hung up in body fear, this is called the inner child. Living Fruits that come from Source ARE HIS CHILDREN. As adults, we are consciously response-able for releasing these trapped inner children, or Spiritual Fruits, so they can finish what they came here for.

Now, I know that to the intellect this makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. But this information is not for the intellect to analyze; it is for us to consciously become aware of. Any attempts that are given to the intellect to analyze the Fruits of the Spirit, or the inner child, will in fact alter the natural flow necessary for the Plan for the Salvation of the World. This will not stop the Plan, but it will hinder the individual who is seeking to provide higher justice for their inner child, and for the world at large. The intellect is concerned with paper justice, not Higher Justice. We are being asked to understand consciously, not intellectually.

Every scrap of information we have goes to the intellect for analysis because this is how we have been taught to think, but there is another way. By releasing the inner child, this other way will begin to reveal itself to us; not from someone else, but from our OWN Spiritual Fruits that we have released. 

Thoughts DO NOT leave their source. If there was any time we thought with Spiritual Fruits, they still belong to us, When they are released, they will extend and increase in value, and then return to the THINKER and give the extended and increased value. This Giver is you. This is our Gift to the world. This is why we are here.

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