Wednesday, April 20, 2016

When Self Doubt Begins

Doubting self value begins at an early age. All that has to happen for a child to doubt their worth is an off handed remark that makes the child question what they look like or what they did. I had one
man tell me that when she got her hair cut she always made sure she got bangs. I asked her why, and she said because when she was in 7th grade a friend told her that her forehead was too big not to have bangs. The woman was in her 40's, so I said to her; let me get this right. When you were in 7th grade a girlfriend, who you do not even remember her name now, told you that you had to wear bangs because your forehead was too big. I asked her if she thought this girl remembered what she said to her in 7th grade, and she said no, yet she was still carrying this reference around as if it were real. After a moment she recognized the insanity of this and immediately let it go.

Whether we know it or not, we all carry these impressions in our mind and reference them over and over again as if they were truth. Our mind is full of false references, and the only one who these ideas make sense to is us. The reason we never question them is because we believe in them and support them through our actions. If we looked at these, we would recognize that more than half of what we believe in is not true or even real. The world we live in is indeed insane because it is governed by people who are carrying around beliefs that no longer work, and no longer have any meaning. This is the historical past that is used for religious wars and persecution, racial bigotry, and even simple arguments between neighbors. It is time to begin to question the beliefs we carry in our mind. It is time to set aside the hate and violence we believe has value. This false value died a long time ago. Let it go.

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